I have been quite the traveler lately. We had the week off last week. I first went skiing in the high Alps with some friends. I tried to snowboard and in doing so, got a big gash on my nose. It was fun. Then my birthday came and went, as they tend to do. It was the first year since I was five that I didn't get hammered and it was nice. After that, I went to Annecy, which is a lovely town near Chambery. On Wednesday, I took a road trip with Robert to the Southwest part of France. Honnestly, I was a little home-sick on my birthday, but the scenery quickly changed that. It was gorgeous. We stayed in Aix-en-Provence, and I fell in love ( with the Town). Then, we went to Marseille. Marseille is a very dense and beautiful port-town. Thursday, I stayed in Cassis. On the way back we had lunch in Avignon. All in all it was a fantastic trip.
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