Got the train at early o'clock again this morning to Nagasaki, got an even nicer train, and arrived at the hostel about 11am. Hired a bike and set off on another adventure! Cycled along the river which my hostel looks over, and it has bridges every few metres, includin spectacel bridge. Went up to the site of the martyrdo, of the 26 Christian saints of Japan and the monument there, then up even furthur to the National Peace Memorial centre for the atomic bomb victims. Along the way i got stopped every few minutes by a group of Japanese school children who had to find people to fill in questions about peace. Filled so many in the same, and every time they want a picture with you! If they didnt want anything, they would still wave and say hello and see ya every time i passed any! Made it up there, and the peace centre was really moving, with survivors accounts of the bombing. Cycled on up to the Peace Par here which was full of statues including a massive one with a hand pointing up to symbolise the bombing and a hand out to symbolise peace. The fountain there is for the victims who cried out for water as they were dying, everything has a meaning. Went to the Cathedral, which made a great change from temples! The cathedral was destroyed in the bombings, but they kept the head of the virgin mary off a window as it remained intact. I crossed the river, and cycled back down, through a place called Inasa, through the remeberance corridor and more parks to another Cathedral. As Nagasaki was the only port open in Japan when the whole country was closed, it is the most multicultural part of Japan and there is a massive Chinese quarter here too. The way to the cathedral was lined with stalls and a lot more school children! I cycled back to the hostel via a couple of temples. Nagasaki is a really interesting place, as it has the history of the port and being the only contact between Japan and the rest of the world, and the sadness of the atomic bomb and how it has affected the area and its community. Managed to see quite a bit in my afternoon here!
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