So, were in Cambodia now, im not so good at keeping this thing uptodate amI?! After we left Luang Prabang, a beautiful heritage, french-colonial town, we moved down to Vang Vien. The journey was very bumpy and long, one of many more to come, there we pretty much took it easy watching ''friends'' in bars, and tubing down the river swinging off ropes and drinking beer, all lots of fun.
After three days we had to get our act togethre, so we started to make our way to the four thousand islands, what would be a 24hr journey through, Vietiene, the capital and Pakse. We got there eventually and stayed in a bungalow wth no fan, bad decision, considering the superhot weather! There were beautiful thunderstorms almost every night in Laos, and here it was even better because all the power went out at 10.30pm so they were even more spectacular. We spent our time cycling around the island and exploring, we saw a really cool waterfall and took in the lush surroundings. Of course there had to be an accident while cycling! Somehow i managed to ride into some low hanging bamboo! How i cant really remember, but i took quite a blow to the head there was blood, but no tears! Oh the drama, i only have bruises and a scabby head nothing major hehe! Anyway after that fiasco we decided to head to Cambodia early.
The whole two day Journey was a night mare from start to finish. We swapped coaches numerous times and were crammed into minivans and on top of the rooves of cars, the driver even stopped to collect wood while we were still in the van, no leg room! It was very tiring but a really cool and surreal memory. In Siem Reap we got a three day pass to Angkor Wat and surrounding temples, we cycled from the city to the site everyday, (around 25km a day!) and we even managed to drag ourselves out of bed for sunrise at 4 am on two occasions. It was awe inspiring, a totally amazing place, everyone sahould go there, and we felt so fit after we'd done all that exercise.
After doing the wats we spent a day in Siem Reap, and visited the Tonle Sap lake, we got a boat trip, and saw the amazing floating villages. They had everything even a floating football stadium! Since then we got the bus to Phomn Phen, and tried to get to the Rattanankiri province, but it seemed a little expensive, so we've popped down to Sihanoukville for a day or two on the beach before we hit Phomn Phen properly. Then its onto Vietnam, which is sad because we've realised that means we nearly have to come home . So no other news, il try and be more uptodate from now on, hope your all good, mising you Lotsa Love Bec and Bec xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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