Where are you at the moment. Hope you're enjoying the last few weeks of your trip. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back. I'm in Norway at the moment (working on a Saturday) but going to finish in a minute and look for somewhere to watch the Liverpool-Aresenal game. Let us know when you are going to be around in Cambridge.
Take it easy,
Mum & Dad
Hi Paul & Betty your trip looks wonder ful we also had a great time in aus we have been looking at your photos you both look so well enjoy the rest of your trip we miss you look forward to showing you our photos
Hi P&B! We've been following your exciting experiencies with fascination (and a bit of envy). Quite different from taking the underground mo-fri to the ordinary work, doing the ordinary tasks, eating the ordinary food with the ordinary people, etc. But! Now the snowdrops are flowering and the blackbird is singing. Something for you to long for! We're looking forward to the exhibition in Hamra, but wait until July, please. Maybe something for the Hamraveckan?
Enjoy the last weeks,
Christina, Jarl, Jonatan and Alicia
Beth & Daniel
Hi Paul & Betty
Your photo's are wonderful. Especially the ones of Bolvia. It has made us want to go as we have friends who are about to live there. Look forward to seeing you when you return.
What a wonderful thing you are doing!!!
You don´t have to be named Fugelsang to see the whole world.
The difference is that you can feel the soil and listen to the birds and smell the foggy forests and feel the water that can drag you down in the river. He can´t.
I´ve followed you through both woods and water and spectacular places.
I know that you must prepare yourself to an evening for everybody in Hamra bygdegård in April.
We can help to cook food from different countries.
Good Luck with the rest of your little trip!
Agnea and Björn
Katarina V Skogs
Hej på er,
hoppas att allt är väl med er , vi mår alla bra.
Tittat på er traveljournal, det ser härligt ut om än lite strapatsfyllt.
Var rädda om er i Sydamerika!!!!!!
Hälsningar från oss alla på Skogshamra./Katarina
Skulle bara önska ett Haaaaaaappy New Year som vi väl sa nagon gang för hundra ar sedan när vi firade nyar i London, kan det ha varit -98 manne? Hehehe
Vi är väl tillbaka i hundbajs och pendeltags strejkarnas stad efter en snabb visit i Skurup över Jul. Var Sverigeflytt är numera officiell vilket har ledit till att pa bara 4 dagar mamma har nosat tag pa en lägenhet i Trelleborg och pappa pa en svenska för invandrare kurs... Stackars Thierry kommer att lära sig svenska pa skanska.... (eller om det blir danska, för det verkar som det finns mer jobb i Köpenhamn....)
Vi skulle ha firat med kompisar i morgon men tjejjen har gatt och blivit gravid sa hon skall ligga hemma och ma illa i stället. Mera ostron och champagne till oss blir det ju da, sa det gjorde inte sa mycket hehehe
Ha de'
Gabis och Thierry
Hej Vi sitter nu i Hasses och Katarinas kök och koLlar på eran resa.
Hela serven och efter ett par kannor inklusive supar så verkar det som om vi har det ganska bra vi oxå.
Morsan vill gärna skicka en hälsning med.
Var rädd om er det är det jag alltid säger till dig !! vi länktar äfter Dej som vanligt ha det bra och vi älskar er.
Skogs Hamra
Staffan & Co
Hi there down under
Happy Christmas to you.
I hope that you are sweating like hell in Australia.
But I guess that you have a cure for it.
We are going to Gotland tomorrow looking forward to have a nice glas (or two) of dricke.
Have a continuous nice trip.
Staffan, Petra, August & Albin
Keith Orbell
Greetings from sunny Detroit
Sounds like you're both having quite the trip. Kuala Lumpur is certainly an interesting place, hope you have/are having fun there.
When you hit Brisbane you must go visit the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary and cuddle a koala - great stuff.
Anyway have fun!
Mum Dad & Emma
What great adventures you're experiencing! It would be great changing Stockholm in December for a small paradise island in Thailand! I got a nice rememberance looking at your photos. For a couple of years ago, we also visited Taman Negara and walked on the canopies (exciting and scaring) and took a long boat up in a branch of the river and bathed. We didn't see any tigers either, only monkies and water buffaloes. And some aboriginals. Unfortunately I haven't got any photos from that occasion.
Take care!