Hey guys. Loving the travel log. Where's the gnome in all the pics? Seriously, I think we need more pictures. Feeling a little out of the loop. Just tried Google Earth but I couldn't find you Oh well. To make up for it, I've taken a vow of showerbacy. I will not be taking another shower until I hear that you 2 have done so. Just trying to help your re-introduction to civilization. Speaking of back home, if either of you tries to dig a hole in the backyard to answer nature's call at my house there will be trouble. That and Zen will probably loook at you funny! Oh, and Zen says hello. She thinks you need to extend the excellent adventure another couple of months, cause the Cubbies are 15-4 since you've been gone! Hope all is well out in Montana, can't wait to see you next weekend. Take care, and watch out for the meeses!! And for the record, I got the math problem on the 1st try!
Warren Gast
Looks like and sounds like you're having a great time. Yes, elude the meese. I read about entensive forest fires in NE Utah. Are you anywhere near that or have you heard anything about them? This website is a great idea....I finally figured it out. I thought it was just an itinerary. Oops! Westward, ho! Have fun. -Dad
Looks like you guys are having an awesome time!!!
The pictures are beautiful,
Sean Eddy
Looks like you guys are having a blast. Hope you avoid the fires in Utah. I loved the pic of Alcatraz - for a moment, I thought the road trip was bringing you out West!
Ben Thompson
OK, so now I'm really jealous! I could use some beef-smelling ice water from Wall Drug right about now. You've still got the best part of your trip coming up! So you guys sick of driving yet? Wishing you both the best and looking forward to reading more.
Hi Guys,
Sorry I missed your phone call yesterday.
Just finished reading your blog and looking at all the pictures and I loved it. It's so fun to actually see what you are up. The pictures are great and of course, I love the captions. Especially: Bethany Gast, Coors Photgrapher. It looks like it is so much fun except for the tornado weather. Keep the blog and pictures coming.
Love you guys, Mom
P.S. Pat meant milking the elks on the last message
Pat Hackett
man that is one slow dealership. We have been checking and checking, but NO NEW ENTRIES.
Hope you guys are having a great time and just to busy miling Elk to write.
Love you guys
Pat and Mom
Mom & Pat
It was great seeing you off yesterday. Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. You're going to see some beautiful sights. We will be watching for any news on your blog. Love you both, Mom & Pat
Hi Guys!
Hope have an excellent adventure! Ryan and I wish you safe travels and can't wait to read about all of the things you see! :)
Greetings Bedo and Andrew! I hope you two have a wonderful trip out west as you see some of America's most beautiful parks. My family did the same thing you two are about to embark on about fifteen years ago and loved every minute. Be sure to visit the infamous Wall Drug, Bear Country USA, and try some panning for gold if you have time Can't wait to see all your pictures and catch up with you once you return. We'll see you in August at the Couples Shower BBQ and have a fabulous time!
All my love,
Brendan Hackett
I hope you guys have a great time on your excellent adventure! Just don't get lost in any of the parks your going to visit this time Also, if visit Jellystone Park watch out for your pic-a-nic basket. I will see you both when you get back, and we can have a rematch in bocce ball!!!