Crikey! Probably a while since our last installment but we've been pretty bloody busy in the outdoor adventure playground that is Australia. We've seen very little Aboriginal stuff so far, which may or may not be our fault, although this should change we hope when we get to Uluru (or Uluruloo as I was calling it for a while). Our trusty 'Camperman Australia' was hosed down by us both this morning, Rambo style with a big soap gun, which was a great help in getting rid of the various butterflies, wasps and bits of snake that had managed to get in our way throughout this enormous 2600 km road trip. At least we hadn't killed a Parrot like some unfortunate fellow Brits had done whom we met up with here in Queensland. I think it flew into their window as they were hurtling along in their 'Campette'!
Yes, there are a gazillion different Camperman companies here but easily the best so far have to be the VW's or the 'Wicked Camper' we spotted up here in Cairns with the Goonies symbol painted on the side. Sadly, we're light years behind in style but think that our 'hi-top' makes up for this in comfort. God, we'll probably be driving a Volvo next! As much as we are sad that we'll be handing over the keys tomorrow, meaning the end of self sufficiency and our food shopping jaunts to Coles and Woolworths (!), and a return to the backpacker community for real, we are at least relieved that the trip went smoothly. Well, that was until we'd almost reached Cairns when a dirty great 'road-train' (humongous lorry that deserves no place on the shoddy road that is the Bruce Highway....yes, you're eyes don't deceive you....the BRUCE Highway) spat up a missle of a pebble which left a nice little crack in our windscreen. Oh well, there goes our $500 excess.
So, what have we been doing? Simply, leaking Aussie dollars but happily ticking off some things which usually appear on those annoying lists of things you're supposed to do before you kick the bucket. Whale watching at Hervey Bay was incredible. We had the privilege to see Mrs Humpback Whale and her calf splashing around for our amusement. The delete button was worn down a little on our digital camera a fair bit that night I can tell you. We snorkelled the Great Barrier Reef at the pristine Whitsunday Islands and then did some more and our first ever dive up here in Cairns where unbelievably the Sun is even hotter and the sea even bluer. It's difficult to say where the coral was better since it's pretty stunning in most places but since we dived in Cairns and spotted some sizeable Reef Sharks as well, I'd have to say Cairns was best.
Not sure that Platypus spotting is usually on those lists I was talking about but we've done that too! Yep, we did a bit of ogling the secretive and very shy duckbilled platypus, of 'Dot and the Kangaroo' fame, during our stay in Eungella National Park. We had to be very patient and quiet which wasn't helped by an American tour group et guide turning up but we eventually saw some Platypusses/i (?) as the Sun went down. We spent the rest of our time there doing some bushwalking through the rainforest and wondering if this was where they filmed 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!' I'll have to check the ITV website I guess.
Lastly, I must mention the cracking time we had at Australia Zoo. In comparison to the Zoo's I visted in India at Calcutta and Junagadh, and no doubt other ramshackle prisons throughout Asia, there was simply no comparison. One of the staff reckoned it is only rivalled by the one in San Diego. Anyway, it's a fitting testament to Stevo and there was also a moving memorial to him with lots of messages on Khaki shirts etc. However, the best bit was sitting in the Crocoseum watching 'Murray' a big Croc get fed.
So that's an abridged version of what we've been up to. Will try and put some photos on soonish as I'm sure that makes these words come to life a bit. Anyway, we're now going back to cool off in the Lagoon (It seems Cairns is another City with a beach). It was pretty packed a few hours ago and I'm not sure Wednesday afternoon post lunch should be peak time. Clearly these Aussies have got this life business messed up. I think they should be getting back to the office and hunched up over those Computer screens like us sensible London folk..
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