So... I guess this is really it! The night before I fly home. I don't even know what to write... even if I did I know I couldnt put it into words.
I guess i'll styart where I left the last one. Our ledgend driver 'Wings' took us to Kroombit cattle station tghe next day - Which was, once again, absolutely class! As soon as we arrived we were greeted by a classic aussie cowboy whos every other word was 'f***' or 's***' :D and then a freshly BBQd steak and salad. Bloody good start I thought! With only 1 night here and an early set off the next morning... we had to cram quite a lot into 1 day/night. In that time....... I had my first attempt at throwing a boomerang and after 5 thorws I'D COUGHT IT!!!!! I let out one hell of a scream! haha! Good moment. Then I learned how to throw a lassoo - lassooed a goat, picked it up, (fake) branded it and dragged it out of the pen in 109 seconds. Then shot some clay pigeions... Then ate goat (damn good!) Then had massive steak dinner! AND THEEEEEEN had an awesome mechanical Bull Riding competition!! Me... being the australian in the group.. obviously won :D I was bloody chuffed with 18 bucks untill I found out that the record was 250 odd! shiiiiiiit :P Got a free Oz Party Bus night out of it tho! So yeah - then everyone else went to bed and I stayed up shatting to all the ranchers roasting marshmallows over the drum fire :D Yet another place I could have stayed for weeks.
Next stop, after a 10 hours journey, was Airlie Beach - gateway to the famous Whitsunday Islands!! I had my sailing boat trip already booked for the next day... so hung around in the bar that night with all the other Ozex-ers and lapped up a lush Kangaroo steak and all the free beer I could get! I ended up having a much later and crazier night than planned - never using dorm bed i actually paid for - gotta both love and hate that! After 3 hours sleep - and hoisted myself up and made my way to the dock for my voyage! I had a pretty un-patyific group, me being the only one who brought beer, or any form of alcohol. But I did hoist the sails, ease the sheet and man other things... all goooood! Then we hit Whitsunday Island and it's famous Whitehaven beach - the 3rd most photographed spot in Australia! I took my fair share and then ran down to the fine silica sand and emerald waters! It was a shame that the great weather we'd had in the morning didnt hold out and it clouded over, but we did get to paddle amoungs hundreds of stingrays in the shallows... and see big colourful crabs and other fish. Snorkelling we saw an array of wicked stuff - including a massive gruper that was lurking over a coral shelf! But we saw turtles really close to our boat and even a whale about 20 metres away! So that made the trip for me :D I got back after 2 days sailing and had a tame night for once - before meeting my new driver Toppie who would take me all the way here... Cairns, after a nights stop off at Magnetic Island.
Maggie island was also class... obviously! We took a walk up to the top - seeing lots of lizards n shizzle on the way... then came back down for our free burger and jugs if beer... before all getting our kit off the for UNDY 500!! an underwear race down the beach and back to win a $50 bar tab!! :D class fun :D drank the night away playing supersize jenga with our feet! and jumping in the pool at 1am. CANNOT go wrong! Made more friends which.. once again.. because of a lack of time... had to be kissed goodbye after just one day :(
But now - after our last day of driving and a visit to the Crocodile farm!! (where we saw crocs being fed and got to hold lots of animals and feed kangaroos and wallabies :D awesome times) I'm now in Cairns. Destination X. Final Destination. And I got here fairly unscathed! which is pretty good going.
I don't want to come home. Fact. I mean - don't get me wrong - I've missed absolutely everyone and have thought about what each of you are doing at different stages along the way and wondered how much stuff will have changed over half a year (prob not much was my conclusion) and im so looking forward to seeing everyone again. But having lived like this for so long - it's definitely become a way of life - and one that I don;t want to leave behind. I've made some amazing friends - ones I'll have for a long time I hope - and ones that get me tickets to places like Canada and New Zealed.... oh and Scotland. Without a shadow of a doubt I want to come back to South Easy Asia and Australia to work this time. I have somany ideas of thing I want to do... Hopefully you guys will come with me for some of them. What's awesome to know is that, no matter what happens back home... wether uni works or not, Cinematography works or not... I can come out here and create an incredible lifestyle almost effortlessly. Travelling and working will be an insane mix next time. I reckon a good 2 year stint cold be up next. I will miss this awesome way of life... Hopefully I wont have to miss it for long.
I will be departing cairns at 15:30 tomorro afternoon - arriving at 5:40am on the 9th. The last short chapter of Beno's Epic Odyssey!
Over and... Out.
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