(For English, look furtherdown)
Hej igen.
Vi ved ikke, hvor vi skal begynde med vores tur til Rio De Janeiro. Det er bare verdens fedeste by. Vejret er fantastisk. Menneskerne er fantastisk soede og venlige. Byen har alt, hvad man oensker, da du ud mod havet har kridhvide sandstrande og ind mod landet har flotte bjerge beklaedt med regnskov. Selve byen vrimler med masser af hyggelige cafèer og butikker. Og menneskerne er saa afslappede og tingene tager den tid den tager. Folk gaar rundt i bikinier midt inde i byen, maendene rundt med bar overkrop - det er bare fedt. Om aftenen er hele familien nede paa stranden og hygge, de unge spiller fodbold og ellers masser af sambarytmer rundt omkring. Vi overvejer staerkt, om vores fremtid er i Rio ;).
I hvert fald efter vores "crush" har vi vaeret rundt omkring og se forskellige attraktioner. Heriblandt Kristus monumentet, den gamle bydel kaldet Santa Teresa og Ipanema distriktet. Vi boede selv paa selve Copacabana, da vi var saa heldige at bo paa Mariott Hotel. Vi havde den flotteste udsigt og hele kysten.
Om aftenen gik vi tur langs Copa og var bl.a. til Hippi Fair, som er en masse smaa boder. Ellers saa vi ogsaa de lokale danse Capoiera (lokal brasiliansk dans) og selvfoelig ogsaa samba. Det var helt fantastisk.
Som det sidste blev vi tilbudt en eksklusiv tur til H. Stern, som er juveler og er international. Her fik vi mulighed for at se, hvordan aedelstenen blev forarbejdet til de flotte juveler, der ses i butikkerne. Melanie blev helt vild i varmen og satte selvfoelig oejnene paa adskillige flotte smykker ;).
Saa, som I kan hoere, skal vi helt klart tilbage til Rio og klart have flere dage til at nyde byen. Det kan varmt anbefales.
Mange hilsner fra samba dansende Rio ;)
Hi again.
We don't know, where to begin with our trip to Rio De Janeiro. It is the world's coolest city. The weather is amazing. The people are amazingly sweet and friendly. The city has everything you desire, from white sandy beaches leading out to the ocean and beautiful mountains dressed in rainforests in towards the main land. The city itself has a bunch of cosy cafès and shops. And the people are so relaxed. They walk around in bikinis in the city center, and the men walk around in nothing but their shorts. In the evening the family gathers and go to the beach and the young ones play football. We are seriously considering a future in Rio ;):
Anyway after our "crush", we have been around to see different attractions. Among these were the Christ monument, the old part of the city, Santa Teresa as well as the Ipanema district. We were fortunate enough to reside on Copacabana, so we had the most fantastic view over the city coast. In the evening we walked along the Copacabana and saw locals practise Capoeira and dance Samba. We also went to this Hippi Fare, which was a lot of small city booths with souvenirs, jewelry etc.
The last big thing we did was an exclusive visit to H. Stern, which was provided by our hotel, Mariott. We got a chance to see how the jewels were extracted and then polished and made into the beautiful rings and bracelets etc. seen in the stores worldwide. Of course Melanie fell in love with several items and still lie at night dreaming about them ;).
Anyway, as you can here, we are sooo going back to visit Rio. And we recommend you to do it as well.
Many greetings from samba dancing Rio
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