A few borders passed since last blog.
Last day in El Salvador was rather hectic. I left at 6:25 in the morning to go to the sanctuary and got on possibly the most crowded chicken bus ive ever been on. Was a nightmare and so hot even at that time in the morning. got a pick up to the sanctuary and was there by 7:45am. helped out for last time feeding and then cleaning and Georgi and Katty left for the vets in san salvador. i was on my own for majority of the day. 1 dog was brought in having been rescued and a trip to the vets. he was crazy. lovely dog but so bouncy and didnt stop barking the whole day. i had a headache. and when he was let out all he wanted to do was hump people. nightmare! a family turned up later and wanted to take a dog there and then so dealt with them and when k & g came back they chose a dog and immediately there was a bond with the dog and family so they took her.
Kerry finally got her passport back on Tuesday afternoon in San Salvador and I left the sanctuary, we had another last meal in El Sal, packed and left via bus the next morning.
Bus left at 6 am and arrived in Managua, Nicaragua at 7pm. We went through honduras for 2 hours which means i got my honduras stamps as well now! dont have to go back haha! Arriving in Managua we were told taxis were dodgy so we got in one that was mas o menos ok. it couldve been much worse. but the bus terminal was in a BAD part of managua, very dangerous and as we drove down the road a man lunged at the doors of the car and then our driver saw a backpacker and stopped, turned off the engine and went to rush him into a nearby hostel saying he should never walk out there on his own. YEAH GREAT ONE...leave us alone in the car with doors unlocked and windows down. Thanks mate!! so traveller safely in hostel we drove off and down a main road a taxi was in flames in the middle of the road on the opposite carriageway. no emergency services to be seen and everyone stood around. use common sense, car is filled with gas, it could explode. but nahhh they were stood there looking at it lol. we drove round the corner and aparently time for us to fill up with gas. do it in your own time, fed up on people doing that! and finally we made it to our hostel in a better part of the city. hostel was nice and with pool so great to chill around and we had a shopping centre at the end of the road so perfect. Also A New supermarket chain for me and Kerry to visit. its our new favourite pasttime! and a new beer of course! Toña.
Best part of managua was...Kerry and I were walking down the road to the shopping centre an hour after arriving in Managua to get some dinner. It was dark and Kerry said Its so dark here i cant even see the path and 2 seconds later she fell down a manhole and was stood upright in it looking out. her head and shoulders exposed only! Her face was a picture and as i looked down and saw her in there I keeled over laughing and she was laughing so much that once she got out she stood there doubled over too. a good few minutes, neither of us could move from laughing.!!! it was only a week or less beforehand that in El Salvador we noticed some huge holes and said how dangerous it was and how we´d hate to fall down one! Amazing!
Granada was ok, a bit seedy and looks like Antigua except with brighter colours. it looked nice but within a couple hours of being there i had been grabbed by 2 homeless men and leered at by hundreds more. seems like the only thing people do is shout at tourists. Seedy place at night too. Hostel was not great but we stayed enough time to give it a good chance. Met so many returning people to Granada but for me it does not live up to all the hype. Had a good night out but not worth going back unless i have to.
From Granada we took a chicken bus to Rivas and then on to San Juan Del Sur. Well the chicken bus was jam packed. A local big lady grabbed me by my hips and sat me on her lap out of nowhere TWICE! i couldnt stop laughing and they seemed to be really amused by it too. this created games with the gringas for their children!
When we arrived in San Juan it was 5 minutes after the shuttle to an amazing hostel out of town. So we ate and waited for the next one 2 hours later. Got there and no beds so i slept half the night in a hammock and half the night on the sofa. was half the price and ok actually. thunder woke me up when i was outside in the hammock so i went inside just incase of a storm. Spent some time in the town and saw a cool sunset. Saw Nicio a guy i met travelling in El Salvador in June and it was his last night in San Juan so we had a few drinks. nice to see him again.
Yesterday i did my border run. Im now in Costa Rica and the border was not great cus its so confusing but i made it in and after 8 hours travelling to Playa Tamarindo. I needed to reset my visa for Nicaragua and the others so 72 hours here and then back to Nica.
Here is hot and has a white sand beach and iguanas walking on the path in front of me. amusing!
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