Bekki and Dan's Adventures!
Hi guys - this probably the last blog entry because our travels are (rather unfortunately) officially OVER! This is just a sort of recap of the last 5 months to sum up our adventures! Enjoy!
In the last 5 months we have…
- Witnessed a mugging in Johannesburg;
- Played soccer with native South African's;
- Met the strangest Zimbabwean ever - Dawn Magowan!
- Worked in a monkey sanctuary;
- Cuddled a baby vervet monkey;
- Been bitten by vervet monkeys (Bekki);
- Taught in a rural South African secondary school;
- Sorted rotten fruit & veg;
- Met the chief of Kwazulu-Natal;
- Stuck out as the only 2 white people as we partied with 200 black people in the bush (including the future President of South Africa!)!
- Herded ducks and chickens all afternoon;
- Taught the 'Okie-Kokie' to a South African primary school;
- Been trekking for giraffes on foot;
- Watched a South African moonrise;
- Been woken up at 5am to watch a South African sunrise;
- Stayed in a mud hut with a Zulu family;
- Ridden on the back of a bukky to fetch water from a river;
- Been adopted by the Zuma's;
- Attended a 'Church of Zion' religious event;
- Been given Zulu names - Ngungubane & Sambane;
- Quad-biked in a game reserve;
- Spotted crocodiles and hippos in St. Lucia;
- Spotted 3 of the Big 5 on safari (including a herd of elephants - with babies!);
- Watched a puffadder eating live mice;
- Drank cocktails with our toes in the sand;
- Got stranded in DurbanCity in the dark
- Won at a pub quiz - thanks to our amazing Biology skills!!
- Shopped in the largest shopping mall in the Southern Hemisphere;
- Braved the tallest water slide in the Southern Hemisphere (Dan);
- Watched a dolphin show;
- Laughed at an incredibly cheesy sea lion show;
- Zip-slid 175m through the trees - 35m above canopy level!
- Got stuck in a pub during a massive South African storm (can think of worse places to get stuck in I suppose…);
- Learnt to play pool - badly! (Bekki).
- Learnt to dance Salsa!
- Visited many Sydney beaches;
- Drank A LOT of goon!
- Partied hard in Sydney;
- Watched a freak show, rodeo, motorcross, dancing JCB's & a firwork & laser light display at the Easter Festival;
- Won Aus$200 for doing the Macarena! (Dan);
- Visited the Blue Mountains (with the most boring tour guide EVER!);
- Saw KT Tunstall!
- Watched a flying electric orchestra!
- Rode on the world's steepest train (yes, everyone screamed!);
- Been gay for 3 weeks (Dan);
- Broke 7 guys hearts! (Bekki);
- Seen an opera at THE venue!
- Flown while hung-over - NOT advisable!
- Been visited by a ghost;
- Stayed in smelly Rotorua!
- Went White Water Rafting;
- Had mud & sulphur baths;
- Fallen off a Luge (Dan);
- Re-created scenes from Lord of the Rings while visiting the Hobbiton set;
- Been abseiling, caving, black water rafting & climbing in 1 day;
- Swooped in a sleeping bag;
- Been zorbing;
- Walked over New Zealand's most active volcano;
- Managed to be avoided by all dolphins on a 5-hour dolphin watching voyage;
- Met 'Wolf' from Gladiators!
- Taken a road trip along the East Coast of Australia;
- Fed elephants at Australia Zoo!!
- Got a tattoo! (Bekki);
- Braved a bungy jump!
- Jumped on bouncing pillows!!
- Painted our own boomerangs;
- Gotten an aboriginal man's mobile number;
- Made a campfire on a deserted beach;
- Been sea kayaking;
- Had coconut milk poured in my hair (Bekki);
- Been snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef;
- Licked an ant's bottom on the WhitsundayIslands!!
- Detoured for 3 hours to collect forgotten washing!
- Stargazed in a hammock;
- Milked cows on Bekki's Birthday (in true Devonshire fashion!);
- Made friends with Coops!!! (Our Joey friend!);
- Been horse riding amongst wild kangaroos;
- Leant to ride a motorbike in the Australian outback;
- Visited the infamous FraserIsland;
- Been on the best water slide ever!!
- Met Dave Hedges!!
- Rode in a pedi-cab;
- Swam in the sea in the rain;
- Terrorized fat Louis!
- Had many Filipino massages;
- Been to a Filipino Fiesta!
- Had a professional photo shoot;
- Visited a paradise island - Siquijor;
- Had our calliouses removed, Sir!
- Snorkelled on ApoIsland;
- Been attacked by mini jellyfish! (Bekki & Max);
- Gate crashed a christening;
- Boogied on down at a Filipino disco.
- Changed our plans in India about 100 times!
- Been whisked away in our own taxi for a tour of Delhi;
- Had dinner with a local, Shafi, on our first evening in India;
- Flown first class!
- Stayed on a house boat;
- Bought a Salwar Kameez (Bekki);
- Bought A LOT of pashminas (Dan);
- Been trekking in the Himalayas;
- Camped in 3ºC temperatures;
- Eaten our pet chickens - Juicy & Tender!!
- Had afternoon tea with the gypsies;
- Gate crashed a Hindu wedding!
- Slept in fear of the Yeti Woman!!
- Relaxed in a Shikara boat called 'Bob Marley' for a day;
- Blended in with the locals while visiting the MogulGardens;
- Been on a 2-day bus journey through the Himalayas - along the border of Pakistan and on the highest road in the world (around 6000m above sea level!) - with numerous military security checks;
- Rubbed shoulders with the hippy travellers in the mountains;
- Gotten stranded in the middle of nowhere (Lei);
- Befriended many stray dogs (who look more like mini bears!) while waiting for our share jeep to turn up from 2am until 8am!!
- Survived a 26-hour off-road bus journey, which included freezing temperatures, no sleep…oh, and a crash into the side of the mountain!!!
- Been photographed by & shaken hands with what feels like half the population of India (the other half just stared and gave us evil looks!);
- Worn the same trousers & t-shirt for about 4/5 days straight!!
- Travelled on a sleeper bus;
- Travelled on an Indian public bus (and swore never to do so EVER again!!);
- Met the slimiest tourist information guy around;
- Missed our midnight train - oops!
- Shared our bedroom with many guests - including cockroaches, ants, lizards & some sore of pond life!
- Discovered a mouse in my bag! (Bekki);
- Trekked for tigers riding on Kalina - a gorgeous elephant!
- Trekked for tigers in a jeep in the rain;
- Picked mangoes in a mango orchard;
- Ordered a lot of room service in Jaipur;
- Watched a Bollywood movie;
- Got henna tattoos;
- Ridden a camel!
- Driven a rickshaw!
- Had our palm's read;
- Been followed 221km by my Indian stalker who then managed to find our hotel by "following his heart"!! (Bekki);
- Seen the gorgeous taj mahal at sunrise!
- Had the camcorder stolen 4 days before our return home (Dan);
- Taken a boat ride down the river Ganges (and hit a dead cow in the process!);
- Had an evening of mocktails & apple Shisha with our new friends from Kent;
- Been treated as a second-class citizen for a month for being white & female (Bekki);
- Waved goodbye to India as we boarded our final flight!!
We now have friends from… - South Africa;
- Buckingham;
- South Korea;
- New Zealand;
- Jersey;
- Oxford;
- Edinburgh;
- Ireland;
- Holland;
- France;
- Harrow;
- Newcastle;
- West Midlands;
- Germany;
- Leeds;
- Ukraine;
- New Zealand;
- Sidmouth;
- London;
- Philippines;
- Australia;
- India;
- Surrey;
- Kent.
We have eaten & drunk… - Chicken feet - NOT advisable!
- A traditional Zulu dish (that I can't remember the name of!) - consists of maize meal, a tomato relish & some sort of chirizo style sausage! (I hated it but Dan thought it was ok);
- Roybus tea - again, Dan liked it but I didn't! Not that I'm fussy or anything…
- Cactus - surprisingly tasty and refreshing after a long hike in the South African sun!
- Raw sugar cane;
- Bunny chow - quarter of a loaf of bread hollowed out and filled with spicy curry!
- Biltong - like beef jerky (it's awful!);
- Crocodile - really nice, tastes like a cross between fish & chicken!
- Orange wine - weird and NOT tasty!
- Goon - cheap boxed Australian wine! Nasty but travellers can't be choosers!
- Kangaroo steak - Dan liked it but it's not my favourite meat;
- Fresh coconut - which we picked (well, picked up off the beach anyway!), shelled & prepared ourselves!
- Chicken Odoboe - traditional Filipino dish;
- Lechon Baboy - traditional Filipino party food - a whole pig spit-roasted over the fire! The crackling is sooooo delicious!
- Sticky rice with chocolate syrup - may sound awful but it's really delicious!
- Coconut cider - absolutely disgusting! Tasted like rotten coconut! Mmmmm…
- Kashmiri tea - gorgeous Indian tea made with cardamom & cinnamon;
- Chai tea - more gorgeous Indian tea; not sure what's in it though…
- A LOT of curry!!
So, we have packed quite a bit into just 5 months! And we are looking forward to our next travelling adventures! Next stop... Japan & South Korea!!
Love you all!
Bekki & Dan
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