Had the best day today! Got up early to go on the trip to the caves - Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM) which is about 45 minute offroad drive away from San Ignacio. There were 7 people in my group, all americans from california and San fransisco - and all lovely .We parked up literally at the edge of the jungle and then did a 45 minute HIKE through the jungle and across 3 rivers to the caves entrance.
We then had to swim into the cave through the entrance, was great fun all diving/dive bombing in! it was then about a 30 minute obstacle course through the cave, going through water up to chest height and climbing over, round and under huge boulders, stalectites and stalectmites. it was really quite amazing what we were doing with nothing but a helmet for safety, some of the boulders that we had to climb up and over were 12 ft high!! we were joking that in the US or UK it just wouldnt happen as there'd be law suits left, right and center. i was very impressed by my own athlectics! oh and there were bats. everywhere!
we finally reached the DRY part of the cave, and got our cameras back (ther guide had them in a waterproof bag) in this part of the cave is where a lot of Mayan artifacts are left. this is about 800 ft into the cave - the cave does go back into the mountain for about 3 miles! Vases, grinding stones and bones of mayans that were sacrifiiced. items or people were brought into the cave to act as an offering to the gods. There were pots everywhere, some still fully intact - which was so amazing to see. we went through some HUGE caverns with amazing mineral deposits, all this is just by the light from out headtorches. at one point the guide asked us to all turn off our lights, and i've never been anywhere so dark and spooky, was such a relief when we could turn them on again.
Right at the furthest point we could go (after much squeezing and climbing) we saw the full remains of a mayan girl - 13yrs. still in the exact position she had been left in, a full skeleton. was so weird and amazing to see, and the fact that we are even allowed into the cave, let alone so close to i8tems that are thousands and thousands of yrs old. pretty awe inspiring. Again in the US /UK everything is behind big wires or glass cases, so we felt very priviliged.
we were in the cave about 3 hours, then had to head back. On the way back my shoe got stuck so i lost view of the girl in front as we were going through small spaces with lots of rocks. i went the wrong way and had managed to squeeze down this hole on my bum but when i looked around i was in a very small room, with only the way i had come in for an exit. i didnt panic until i realised i couldnt get out, as i had slid down and there was nothing to grasp hold of to pull myself out. i could get my torso out but that was it. the people that were behind mw were looking a bit paniced which really didnt help. by now i was barely holding it together and getting quite claustaphobic and panicy and i totally couldnt move.
one of the guys was really nice and just told me to calm down and look around inside for something to push off of. i finally dragged myself out - covered in mud and a bit wobbly - but free. never felt so good. the guide took the piss for about 30 mins - ha ha ha. rest of the way went without a hitch and back to daylight, and hike back to the van soaking wet.
it was the most amazing trip and would do it again today if every bone in my muscle in my body didnt feel like it was ripped in 2. went for tea and drinks with the americans in the evening. Off to placencia tomorrow x
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