photos were great glad you meet with Mike and girlfriend sounds like you had a fantastic time
Dad and I were on cat watch thiis week as he was on holiday they were full of life and seemed very content.
Hope you Vics. Becky and Laura have great time. See you soon.
Love Mum
just had a look at your latest photos and they look great guys. Everything looks fantastic, and I can't wait to visit some of it myself in a few years!
Missing you both loads and can't wait to catch up with you when you return which I can't believe is only a week away.
Have a great last week down under and take care both of you.
Lots of love
hope you're both still having a fantastic time as I'm sure you are.
All's good this end - everyone's well - some of us are working very hard!
Keep the posts coming.
Sounds like you two are having a great time. Surfing looked a lot of fun, well done Steve for making it look so easy. Take care in the sun though!
Pictures are fantastic. Have fun in Sydney.
You probabley know Vicki and Laura are at Mark's so they hope to see you there.
Have fun
Love Mum
Its blimmin snowin'
Hey guys, missing you two but you arent missing much here. Your hostels sounds pretty grand try not to get too sunburnt. good luck with the surfing!
it sounds brilliant you two - I'm so glad you're seeing so much as it'll make it all the more memorable.
I've met two Aussies myself today - one who hails from Brisbane and came over just this weekend.... spooky eh.
We've had more snow today, not much, but more forecast later in the week - joy!
Keep on having fun, watch that sun burn and stay in touch.
I've sent you some emails that you need to look at when you get a minute.
lots of love
ma & ant
Claire Wingate
Hey becca, sounds like your having a wicked time, i am very jealous lol!! have lots of fun and ill keep reading your blog to find out what your up to.
take care
love claire
Hi - Glad you arrived safely and enjoyed Singapore! I've sent the link to the team, we're missing you alot more than you are missing us I bet! Glad you're enjoying everything remember SPF 50+ for the sun! Nadia xx
yoooo, glad yr having a great time!!! have you been chased by sharks yet??
hows the Ozzy beer and the stakes?
Sounds like you two are having a great time! Seen fish pool on TV did it tickle?
You should enjoy the Whit Sundays Vicki and Laura seemed to really like it.
Thought you might like to know Vicki is at the farm picking and packing Raspberries should think it must be hard work.
Have fun
everything sounds great Becs, glad you're enjoying yourselves. Don't get too burnt you two - what with your English Rose complexions!!
Oh, and you might not recognise your place on your return - its getting the mum and nan treatment at the weekend...... you'll owe us big time then.
Visited Jonathan last night - his operation went really well and they're getting him up and about already - needless to say his language is blue....
take care both of you and stay in touch as often as you can.