Im actually in Brisbane now but i thought i should carry on from where i left off.
Spent five nights in Byron Bay, was great, so laid back and we spent every day on the beach which suited me fine! Had a night out there aswell which was good, ill upload a pic of the jam jars we were drinking, i think they had malibu and greniere and vodka aswell, but they were cheap and tasted ok, i had to get past the taste of malibu first, yuck. On our travels we have met some weird people but the guy that was below me in my bunk bed was such a pompous idiot - his idea of backpacking was taking his mothers boyfriends plane around oz, he kept mentioning he was one of the richest men in england - i felt like saying, is it bloody richard branson?!!! but kept it to myself.
After Byron bay we headed an hour up the coast to Surfers Paradise which was amazing - although i havent been there, reminds me of miami with all the high rise buildings next to the beach, but some people describe it like benidorm, cheap, touristy and tacky, but we love all that!!!!
On our first afternoon we went to the Haunted House, what a laugh!!! me and Stef (who is 6ft) hid behind jill the whole way - and shes the smallest!! it was so scary trying to move to each room in the dark. I thought there would be actors jumpin out at you but fortunatly for my heart there wasnt. We stayed in a hostel called Cheers and had a 4 bedded dorm, sharing with another guy. When we got there we thought there was alot of stuff lying around considering it was just one guy, but never thought anything more of it until 12am when 3 ozzie girls came in drunk demanding to know who was in their beds - the hostel had double booked the room, our room was next door and lay empty all night!! the 3 girls had to sleep on a matress on the floor as we were already in bed. Got a free bbq the next day and there was strongbow on draft which i was very pleased about!!
This next day trip should have a blog of its own - WARNER BROTHERS MOVIE WORLD!! It was amazing and the highlight of my trip so far. Jill isnt too keen on scary rides so we went on a family ride - the scooby doo spooky coaster, turns out it was a thrill ride and jill screamed the whole way through as it went backwards and in the dark, i couldnt move for laughin!! unfortunatly, she wouldnt go on anything else!! Me and stef went on most of the rides, there was the wild west water ride, we got soaked but at least the sun dried us off. The ride that made me ill was a kiddies ride - the roadrunner roller coaster, it just went round in circles so felt really dizzy!! me and stef decided to be brave and go on the Superman ride, we thought it looked fast but ok as it didnt go upside down. we were speakin to people in the queue and they were saying how fast it was....... dont think we realised how fast!! it was over within a minute and i opened my eyes once at the top and quickly shut them again, me and stef had to hold hands coming off the ride as we could barely walk!!! dont think i would do that again. We finished the day by going on the spooky coaster again and water ride. It was such a great day, there was a batman show and a stunt driver show, so ive decided to give up on nursing and start stunt driving - most people think im an erratic driver anyway!!! We also saw all the characters aswell, such a good day but was shattered afterwards.
On our last day, spent it at the beach, was a bit of excitement, the lifeguard ordered everyone out the water and then the jet skis were out looking for someone and i think they picked up a surfboard and then the chopper was out, was exciting to see - just hope no one drowned! Went to hard roack cafe at night then onto an attraction called inifinty, it is one of a kind, i could describe it but i would make it sound naff!! its loads of different rooms with lights in it like your in space or in the sky - a place i would recommend you see for yourself!
So now we're in brisbane looking for a job, hostel is great - banana benders!! its cool though and we're booked in for a week, so fingers crossed we get a job. Weather isnt so great today - didnt think it rained here!!
Note to family - my birthday coming up soon so ill let you know where i am and you can send my cards to nearest post office and feel free to send items like soap, new pjs, deodrant - all the things a traveller needs...oh and new knickers!!
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