Just back from a 5 day trip to Auckland to see my friend Debbie who i worked with in Ninewells, she now lives there. The first thing i noticed when i got there was how cold it was, think it was worse coming from Brisbane as its so humid there and ive gotten used to it.
Spent the first day wandering around auckland itself, was really nice being in a city that wasnt too big like melbourne or brisbane. Caught the ferry across to Devenport, 10 mins across the water and went to a british shop which sold some random things from home at a much higher price!! bought myself some minstrels and hula hoops, i could have gone without as im home in 3 weeks!! Debbie took me to an amazing burger bar at night - burger of the highlights of my trip!! Debbie was working the next day so did some sightseeing and shopping, weather wasnt great - it was raining and hail stones! At night we went to see a play called The Winters Tale, directed by Sam Mendes and starring Ethan Hawke, we were so star struck! I had to stop myself running onto the stage to give him a kiss. The play was really good but i didnt understand it at times, i must not be as cultured as i thought!!
On Good Friday we went to Wahieke Island,as did half of Auckland!!! The reason being there was a ban on the sale of alcohol in the city and all the pubs were closed so everyone got the ferry across for the wine tasting in the wineries!! I got a bit sick on the ferry across, well just felt a bit sea sick but was fine when i got there, the weather was amazing and the island was gorgeous, i felt like i was somewhere exotic abroad (even though i have been abroad for so long). We went to two wineries, Mudbrick and Cable bay, got a bit tipsy and ate some good food - had olives for the first time!! We felt like proper wine coniseurs afterwards!! We also found the perfect wedding location at was amazing, so men beware - start saving hahah. At night we met Debbies friend becky (to add to the confusion) and went to a gorgeous tapas bar with lovely food and great cocktails!! We were able to drink as we were eating but couldnt just have a drink!
The next day me, Debbie and her friends Becki and Steph took a road trip to Rotorua which is south of the city. Took a few hours to get there but managed to stay in a lovely hostel in the town centre. Rotorua is known for their polynesian spas and volcanoes with geothermal activity so the smell of suplhur was very distinct!! quite eggy at times! Met a random french guy called JB and headed to the blue and green lakes for a wander around, it was 6km around the lake and felt very fit afterwards from all the fresh air. We went to the polynesian spas at night which is hot springs outdoors, one being 42 degrees. Was so relaxing sitting there at 10pm outdoors in these hot springs, would definatly do it again!!
On our last day we took the car and headed to Waimangu national park to see the geothermal activities and where the volcano erupted in the 19th century, very interesting and lovely to see, weather was great so was a brill day. Spent the remainder of the afternoon in Rotorua having something to eat (Steph had the tallest burger ive ever seen) then a wee wander around the lake. Said our goodbyes to the french dude and headed back to auckland, about 30 mins outside the town stephs car malfunctioned and we broke down! I was always warned about breaking down near wolf creek in oz so this wasnt so bad, luckily the AA came and we were on our way again.
New Zealand was amazing, had such a good time - wil definatly need to come back for a holiday as there is so much to see. Was great seeing Debbie and stayin in a home for a change, has made me realise how much i miss my flat and the home comforts so by the time i get home i think ill be glad im there!!
My plan now is to head up the coast from Brisbane to Cairns for a fortnight with a few friends i met apple picking...the last leg of my journey!!!
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