Hi Becky,
You are still having fun and doing lots of wonderful things. Keep safe and switched on. Meeting up with Mum & Dad in a few weeks and will catch up from them on your latest news.
Take care.
Love June & Bob
Vicki M
Hey Becky,
Sounds like you're having an amazing time! Hopefully we can meet up when you come back to Bath!
Stay safe!
Vix x
The Hoiles
happy easter - don't know where you are now but have fun and keep safe
The Ambroses
Happy Birthday Rebecca. Hope you had a really special day - what a brilliant time you are having. IOU one present when you return. Loving your amazing adventures. Lots of love, Kate, Mark, Jack and Alice xx
The Hoiles
"happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear becky
happy birthday to you"
have a fantastic day
hugs and kisses
thr hoiles
Sarn, Bob And Max
Happy Birthday Rebecca, looks as though you are having a brilliant time! Love the photos.
Lots of Love,
Sarn,Bob, Max and Jo
June & Bob
Wow, what great photos and you look so well. June wishes she was with you!!Take care of yourselves and we wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of love. June, Bob & the gang.
Sarn, Bob And Max
Blimey Rebecca are you fitting in a bit of time travel now!! I know they say that time flies when you're having fun.......
Can't wait to see some of your photos.
Lots of Love
Sarn Bob Max and Jo
hi.becky. Glad to hear you are having a good time . have seen all your news on this screen did laugh only 6weeks to my cruise hope to get some sunshine like you but i wont get lost !! take care of yourself have fun love you nan,,,,
Lisa And Adam
Hi ya,
Ask Mary if they have any jobs going! Sounds like your having fun and staying out of trouble...so far!
Your mum has put up a display outside our classrooms called Where in the world is Becky Tanner? So I am unavoidably following your travels every step of the way! Lol
Enjoy yourself,
Lisa and Adam X
Hello Oak Class!
It is very hot and sunny in Cambodia. I am going to Vientam tommorrow, which takes 12 hours on a bus.
Me and Milly ate Cricket and a spider leg in Cambodia and lots of rice and noodles.
I will try and put photos up soon, the rooster you gave me is seeing lots of sights. We took him to the temples today.
Hope your all working hard.
Becky and Milly
Oak Class
A message from all Oak class!
Hello rebecca,
Are you in the sun or in the rain? It has been snowing here - it is very slippery! we have been doing lots of wintery work. We are waiting for some photos. Where are you going next? we have found cambodia on a map and have coloured in the flag!
Bye for now Oak class