Yesturday was our first day in Phnom Penh, when we we woke up we looked out on the balcony and across from us was a monkey just say on a roof eatin fruit it was cute. Then we had organized a tuc tuc to pick us up and take us on a tour. On the way past a park next to the hostel we saw an elephant just walkin round and another one at a resturant eatin lettuce he he.
We first went to a shooting range and fired an AK47 and split open a coconut, after that I shot my target in the head and the heart and Joe shot his everywere lol then he also fired a K57 hand gun, it was really cool.
After the shooting range we then took the tuc tuc to go and see the killing fields, which was really sad. They had a monument there with 8000 skulls inside it of all the victims that were killed there. The place was really quiet we couldn't even hear the busy road that was right next to the fields, it was so really sad we were glad we went to the shooting range before the killing fields don't think We could of stomached shooting a gun after seeing that.
Then the tuc tuc driver took us to a local resturant to try Cambodian food it was lovely. Then we spent the rest of the night in the hostel having some drinks in the bar. So it was a really good day plus the tuc tuc was so cheap and the driver was really nice we booked him again for today to take us to some more places. Were really loving Cambodia so far.
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