Well, our day trip to Uruguay was fun. We were very lucky as it was really sunny, so after the 3 hour ferry trip we just wandered round the old part of the town. It was really pretty and traditional with little coloured houses and cobbled streets. There were a few strange musuems that we looked around and we also climbed the lighthouse for a good view of the town. It was very peaceful and tranquil in comparision to the crazyness that is BA! We had a lush lunch at a seafood restaurant and walked along the jetty before heading back to the ferry port for another 3 hour trip back to Argentina. All in all it was a very nice day, and we got another country's stamp in our passports!
Sunday we had planned to visit a local market but we found out that there were local elections going on so everything was closed. Luckily it was a really hot and sunny day so we spent the afternoon in the park having a picnic and generally chilling out. In the evening we rented Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Monday Becki had her last adult classes which was a little sad!! We also went for lunch at a very cool little cafe as recommended by the Wallpaper guide, and Jen had a very relaxing day wandering around the Botanical Gardens and doing a spot of shopping. Tuesday was another day of teaching for us both, but in the evening we went to Siga La Vaca for the second time to meet up with Will, Adrianna and Melina and also as a bit of a welcome meal for the two newest volunteers. Once again we stuffed ourselves with the all you can eat salad and asado!
On Wednesday, Becki visited the Congress building which was quite impressive, and also the Teatro Colon which is meant to be the best theatre in BA, however it was being refurbished so there wasn't much to see apart from scaffolding. Jen made her usual trek across the city to her school and spent the first 2 hours teaching a class by herself as the teacher decided not to turn up! In the evening Becki went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 3 with another volunteer - it was very good!
Thursday and Friday have been rather relxing days for Jen as she finished all her teaching so she visited the Evita Museum, shopped and treated herself to a pedicure - quite the lady of leisure! Friday afternoon we both visited BA zoo which wasn't overly impressive apart from the White Tigers, there are only 30 left in the world and they were very cute! We had planned to have a quite-ish night as the other volunteers had decided to visit Montevideo this weekend, however we've been having such bad fog here that the ferries were cancelled. So this meant that last night turned into a bit of a party - we went to a couple of very trendy bars (once again the Wallpaper guide!), drank lots of champagne and ended up in a club called Amerika dancing our socks off until around 7am!!! Needless to say today has been very unproductive and we were unable to make our planned trip to Tigre due to the fact that none of us could drag ourselves out of bed! We've also begun packing which is a right nightmare as we seem to have acquired a lot of stuff in the past month.
Tonight we are going for our last Buenos Aires steak and tomorrow we plan to spend our last day here visiting San Telmo market and having brunch - although we are bitterly disappointed as our favourite brunch haunt Olson is closed for refurbishment!! We had been looking forward all week to one last meal there but we will have to scout out another restaurant for our brunch needs! We're quite sad about leaving BA as we have had a really good time here, its almost like home now! The teaching has definately been a challenge and we are now looking forward to our 3 week 'holiday'!
We are so glad that we chose to come to BA as it is an amazing city and its been especially good to learn Spanish here, we're becoming rather good!! However, both of us are so excitied about visiting the Iguazu Falls as they are meant to be spectacular! We leave BA on Sunday evening and arrive Monday morning in Puerto Iguazu where we'll visit the Argentinian side of the falls before heading over to Brazil to see the Brazilian side. Then its onto Rio which we are really looking forward to!
So chau from Buenos Aires. See you all very soon woo!!
Love Bec and Jen xx xx xx xx
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