Good to hear you got to Clearview for lunch guys - the trip evidently continues to be gruelling..... As for the Orcas in Abel Tasman - you lucky b*****s!! Awesome. See you very soon for first hand accounts of everything to date behind the 5 star blog!
Tess,ali Ben Isabella & Archie !
Hi Guys!
Looks as though you're having a wonderful time...such a shame the weather isn't as good as it is here...
Michael & Rosemary heading down for a week with us this week so we will log in when they are here and show them what you're up to!
LOL and enjoy yourselves!!!Tess, Ali & the Crew x
Hi Guys, all looks amazing. Thanks for the card from the WhitSundays...beautiful. Some of us back here are still working very hard and not swanning about enjoying ourselves but hey just carry on. Someone has to do it. Lots of love C and A
Will + Sarah
Oh Dear, not more Kiwi's, they have invaded Scotland today for the rugby and are now celebrating their win in typical fashion! Strangely enough one of our Kiwi friends who is staying with us always calls me her mate the Mad Butcher...... adding 'ya know Bro, like the one on the adverts' and I only just got what she was talking about, great photos. Not much going on here, looks like the walk Mum and Chris did was beautiful...... hee hee hee no fish yet....... come on the women folk seem like they need feeding!
Janet Christmas
Remember me? Wow! Some time you are all having keep up the good work
Well that's one way to get the congregation numbers up. I'm sure youre Dad would be proud Mary! Elizabeth is setting off on Monday which is strange but there we go! We missed that eatery in Taupo but found a couple of restaurants with excellent laaamb! Keep the pics flowing love to all Richard
Ben And Tara
Got postcard number 2 thanks, suffice to say Tara is now banging on about going to Oz after she say the pics of the Queensland beaches!
That trail in NZ looked just need to understand why Mum and Jon wimped out!
Dear Jane and Jon, Thanks very much for the post card and all the photos on your blog, they are fantastic. I am impressed with your 7+ hour trek, in pretty rough conditions, but how wonderful that the clouds cleared and you had excellent views.
I had a long email from Pam - (looking forward to seeing your photos of the area in which they live) They are applying for permenant residency there, and Chris doesn't want to retire. Now we are in communication again I'll have more news on your return.
It is very good being able to email and receive information of your adventure. Hope you all are fine,
with love Kay
Thanks for the postcard. NZ looks beautiful - great photos. Does the sun shine every day down there? Snow arrived here a week ago, so winter is on the way! Love from all of us in Norway.
Noticed the lack of mention of going to watch the brave/daredevils over at Taupo ( but pleased to see that you found enough wine to have probably failed the medical checklist for being able to do it... If you are saving that thought for Queenstown then maybe have a word with David H first as to the wisdom or not of it? (Personally, I thought 'great to watch, but no way for me/Mike...')
Shame you're missing one of the best Autumns for tree colour in years here. Good that you are practising with your cameras for next year, though.
Did you get a dip in the hot spring pool at Miranda campsite. It was pretty deserted when we went there and we parked right beside the pool. Lying in the warm water in the early morning sunshine is a fond memory! Lovely half term weather here, cold and bright!
Tim & Catherine
UK headlines: "Beer sales hit lowest since the 1930s, pub closures at an all time high" (check out the BBC!) ... look at the impact your departure from the UK has made! Still, we see there has been a surge in Steinlager stocks in the last few days....
Good to see the old geezer again.
Looking forward to seing you down here soon
PS. We know you are good mates but that van looks mighty small for 4... and where does Jon have his bath when the Archers are on??