Buenos Tardes!
Got back from the Inca Trail last night! Legs very sore today it has to be said, but what after four days of walking what can you expect! It really was the highlight of the trip so far! Every aspect of it was just awesome. Obivously the scenery was off the scale but there was so much more to it in terms of the challenge that each day presented- particulary the football match with the locals at 3000 odd feet! We lost that 4-2 unfortunatley although I did score. We have now won one (12-7) and lost one on the tour so far! Team Tucans next match is in four days!
Back to the trek though...The way the porters look after you while on the trail is nothing short of amazing! I cant remember ever being woken with a cup of tea while camping before...if ever! The meals generally were also fantastic. So yeh...enjoyed that!
I cant even remember half the stuff we have done since I last posted which shows how busy we have been. I was ill for one day as I came down with stomach bug on the same day as we were going to 4900 metres! Apparently this isnt a good combo, and I was pretty out of it all that day but fine the next morning. Lucky for me as two girls missed the Inca Trail because of it and one was so sick on the trail that she had to be carried..yes carried by one of the porters...and we still couldnt keep up with him!
Gotta run now! Ill post pics as soon as I can!
Take care!
Ciao x
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