helloooooooo people just a quick note to say on the photo album of my recent trip to ayers rock it says that there are zero photos..this is a horrible lie as there are over hundred...hoping your coping..x
Webber Respect Group
Webber=Hero for broken men, god to the masses and all round nice bloke (if slightly mincey)
hey loveliessssss! Sorry bout the delayed msg have spent ages trying to find ur site again am s*** with technology me! Has joey done a skydive yet!? Do it they aren't scary man we did a bungy now that isfreakin scary! Hope ur all well we're so near but yet so far! hehehe baviny hope ur still rotating sawing it up man!
No NO NO, you got all it all wrong fellas!
See i know i will be pursuaded into doing it, i hate planes , but i know push comes to shove i will cave and do it, becuase yes 5 of us in a plane will be ridiculous! like some kind of spinny 007 mission! however i will be more scared in those moments running up to the jump then i ever have in my life to date. And knowing joe being the coward he is, i know how much he doesnt want to do it, so i was merely showing some little support for a broken man who is being down trodden by the forces of peer pressure/bullying in the form of sedge dog utd and bavino fc.
I hope this clears things up.
Sedge i fear im turning into u.......my sleeps are growing longer and longer by the day......! Totally agree with the below statements from the H.M.S sedgley....Webber i assume ur comments mean u wont be gracing us with ur presence as we plunge out of a plane in NZ, u and joe can make up stories as to why u avoided it together on the ground. Rat T,u shall become a fine, upstanding member of society. I look forward to the day when we can get u smashed (legally) in a public house! And as for sawday? Well....him and joe are one and the same....no point in us argueing with him!
Much love x
never before has a man who needs alot of sleep..had less sleep.x
first of all i would like to say that for the first time in my life i am appauled at webbertrongalactica..freddie you idiot..what are you doing..we will be doing the sky dive in new zealand!..imagine 5 of us in a plane will be awesome..i want to see this big man quiver in fear...dont you?
rat boy fully aggree with your statements..we are growing more and more alike everyday..i shall email you soon with words of wisdom..
Jack T (Rat)
Jump you homo. Not exactly steve irwin are you? I'd be wrestling alligators by now...get on and do something interesting! I could ride an elephant in england, hell, i live with one!
So i say jump boy and forever be remembered in legend as the boy that rebelled against a 21-stone man!
Peace out x
Joe- I am totally in 2minds about your predicament. You clearly dont want to jump and are only wavering on this stance presumably due to ridicuous amounts of peer pressure, resulting ina huge loss of " man points".
Therefore- I say to each his own. Dont jump joe.
My first withdrawal systems started around half past six this evening when I should be tucking in too a box of goon and slice of pepper rather than a odd looking array of white rice and frog porridge (yes, i ment frog porridge). Yes lads, I missing the life of Surfers like Marty misses the taste of a BigMac.
So here it is, my public thank you to Mr. Tompkins, Sedgely and Bavin - the hosts with the most. Never again will we savour the taste of a cheerio, purchase a slice of hungarian salami or hear the word "kangeroo" uttered, without raising a rye smile. It wont be long before our antics of debauchery and ectasy combined reach message boards and blogs worldwide.
I would suggest, that until that fateful day we keep the experiences of the past two weeks our dirty little dirty - cause when the stories do finally come out boys, we've got a whole lot of explaining to do...
God speed - and continue happily in your ballistic ways...
Tall, Anonymous Man From Bognor
Alarmed at this development............... silly boy stay on the ground. I urge you to heed the advice of Sawday............sage like, especially for a Chi player.
Hello there!
Hmmmm, well what a dilema you've put yourself in Joe?!? Personally i wouldn't think twice about, all that 'once in a lifetime' crap would be enough for me too jump, not mentioning the adrenalibe rush. However this is all on you, and seeing that you clearly do not want to do it(*cough* bottle job *cough*)you have recieved very little support from the willing message board contributers...therefore i will put my vote towards keeping your feet on the floor and having many a beer on me:)
Count stands at 15!
Good luck with either outcome mate x
p.s call anytime mate, back at uni so free all the time, ha!