Got a bus from KL - no worries. Pulled up at the bus station then bussed in to town for 20p. Strolled from the stop to the hostel - what a gem - Shirah' was like staying in someone's home (with their permission). We had a blacony view of the street, we could use the kitchen, and if we went upstairs we could look out from the roof terrace over the town, or just chill watching tv with the owner in his lounge - very nice and friendly guy!
This place had a shopping centre, so Sharan was happy, ha ha. Had some tasty donuts, found where there was a heritage walk *saved for the next day* had the most amazing lunch - thanks for the recommendation Lonely Planet! - curry served on a banana leaf, quite messy but soooo delicious. Checked out Chinatown - they're everywhere, like Irish pubs! Timing was perfect, that night we were there while they had New Year's celebrations with karaoke contests with little old women singing chinese songs, some dude did Elvis...very badly - but it was all taken quite seriously. The highlight was Lion/Dragon dancing performed by a local youth group. Some representative of Guinness made a speach concerning the event and its fundraising - we could all contribute if we drank lots - HURRAH! That's my kind of charity. There were free sweets handed out by some guy in a giant mask, then we made our way home snacking at various stalls on the way.
The next day, started with some more curry - yume - then made for the heritage trail - and realised we had inadvertently covered most of it the previous day - whoops. Sharan was barred from a church for being inappropriately dressed (bare shoulders) - i went in and found a girl in a vest and hotpants walking around - i pointed this out to the guy on the door who said he wasn't there when she went in. What a hypocrite and the church was boring. Boo! Took loads of pics on the way round. Then internetted, had some more lovely curry, then went to the cinema to watch The Spirit - film was ok, but a bargain at a pound fifty a ticket!!!
Singapore was in the morning, so went straight to bed after - quite a late one!
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