Day 4: 21.22pm
Today we went to Edward O'Dwyer farm. At the beginning of the day everyone though he seemed a bit creepy! Towards the end of the day we had a few beers with him and he was tidy enough. We also had Nikki with us today, which we wasn't impressed about to begin with but she turned out being alright after woods. A bad judge of character day I guess today.. Always remember to never judge a book by its cover.
Today's we cleared a few fences towards the end of the day rich drive over a spike in the ground and punctured the tyre so we had to change the tyre in the field as a storm was brewing.
We also saw a adult brown snake which was cool.
We fed some houses, we played pooh sticks on the wooded broken bridge.. All in all not a bad day.
In the night, I got a lil 'dad sick' but rich as always found a way to cheer me up. :-) had fun with the camera and took silly pictures. (as seen above)
Night night my darling
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