I'm noticing a smidgen of enjoyment flashing through your penmanship now and again. That's Betta! (Pardon the Aussie gramour).
Hmmm, you might look at doing something with "The Lonely Planet" - Seriously!
Hoping you make it back to the colonies soon! Loving the updates!!
Michael, Kelli and baby Samantha
Hey you!
Just caught up on your blogs. Lurving your work!
But... if you mention missing the Uk or work one more time I swear i will come over there and slap you with a wet haddock.
Sounds like you are having a fabbylicious time and you must enjoy every minute - you deserve it.
Make sure you have a beer for me! Well, maybe two or even three....
Miss ya
Lou xxxxxxxxxx
Sarah Hawkins
Hi Barnaby,
Have finally read your blog, I so miss your writing style, you had me in stitches!
Sounds like you're having a wonderful time even if moments have been tough! Can't wait to see your photographs.
We're all missing you here. Just wanted to send you a quick message to let you know I haven't forgotten you and think about you often.
Take care of yourself, chill and have fun.
Sarah xxx
...and there was me stuck in snowy slushy maidenhead...just about to phone you to see if you would take pity on me and make me a coffee, and this text arrives saying you are in some country that I had to check the map to see where it was! spooky.....
well have a great time and we look forward to seeing the photos from our grim little bedsit up north
Take care
June and Martyn
Aye up Barnaby,
I'm so glad your flight finally took off. A five hour delay is not very pleasant but at least you arrived in Rio after the wait. I was stuck at Heathrow for ten hours on Thursday waiting for a flight to Jersey - not quite as exotic!
You have seen so many interesting sights already and its sounds like you are having a fantastic time. I am looking forward to seeing your photos.
Have fun
Carla x
PS You are so right about the cable cart; I would be a nervous wreck!
Hi Barnaby,
Lovely to read your blog and soooo jealous as I got stranded in Dublin overnight and spent the night in the dreaded coffee lounge you seem to have been visiting in more exotic locations!
It seems my waist line will be increasing whilst yours is dimishing...
Comfort food eating whilst snowed in!
Hello Barnaby,
Hope all is continuing well on your trip and you're enjoying the sights and weather.
Lovely reading your blog....makes you seem not so far away ;)
Happy travels
C xoxox
Gae Grant
Hey Barnaby,
Great to see you are off and running.
I didn't see the itinary for Brisbane!!!!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful time and can get to your Brisbane Family in your travels.