Hi Everyone, sorry it has been a while since I last posted. It is a bit tricky using the internet in the bush!!! Mum and dad have chosen very out of the way places to stay so most of the time there is no phone reception or internet access, or fuel or shops or toilets!!!
We stayed in Townsville for a couple of days as we had to get the car serviced and dad had to go to the dentist. He lost a filling so went to have it replaced. The weather has been unseasonably wet and cold the locals tell but we have nonstop explored.
We left Townsville headed further north and stayed at a place called Brampton beach. It was a lovely unpowered RV park right on the beach and although it was school holidays we were lucky enough to get a spot overlooking the coral sea. I got to swim everyday even though the signs said there were crocs there, the locals assured mum that it was too cold for them and they had returned up the creeks. The beaches are very different to the ones in WA. They look more like the river which was quite surprising to mum and dad. I didn't care I had a great time!
We passed through Cairns and headed up to Cape Tribulation which is in the Daintree National park. We had to cross over the Daintree river on a barge to get there which was really interesting. I wanted to get out and look at the water but mum and dad wouldn't let me. The trip in was really scary because the roads were very hilly and narrow and the cliff faces were really close and because our car and van combo is very long we had to veer to the wrong side of the road to get around! The Daintree was just beautiful. The elkhorns and ferns growing up in the trees were huge. We spent three days exploring the rainforest and I got to swim at the beach called Thorntan beach. There was no one there so I was allowed off the lead to run and run and run it was just the best! The bush walks and boardwalks were amazing and we even saw a couple of Cassowaries and its chicks walking up the road!
We had to leave and get on the barge at 11pm because we needed high tide due to the caravan being really long and so that the angle of the barge ramp was right as to not scrape the bottom of the van. Even though we timed it right we still scraped and although it was a little tense for a few minutes we managed to get on relatively unscathed. This meant we did a leg of our journey after 1130pm which was actually pretty good because there was no traffic on the road. We stopped at a free spot after doing a drive through Port Douglas in the middle of the night. We wanted to stay there but they don't like me and my kind so we had to keep going.
Now we are staying ad Placid Lake caravan park about 18km out of Cairns. I went to day care yesterday so mum and dad could go up to the tablelands on the Skye rail. They said it was brilliant and mum told me that dad got a bit scared at first especially when the wind was blowing hard. We are going to explore around here today and then we leave tomorrow to head south down the coast. School holiday has just finished this week so it should be a bit easier to get into places as we go.
Hope you are all well and happy and especially you guys in the snow are keeping warm and having fun!!! We are really looking forward to heading your way and catching up soon.
Love to cuz's woof woof xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- comments
Anne Great to hear of your travels! Sounds like you've had a few challenges along the way, but enjoying the experience anyway :) We survived the snow....arrived home today. Had a great time and saw some amazing sights too. It did get cold though - the water hose to the caravan froze solid during the night!! But we kept warm with heaters and hot water bottles. Looking foward to seeing you when you get down this way. Kipper and Shadow will enjoy your company - and Shadow loves toys too ;D