Message for the Mystery Person: I know who you are Jiten!!! Any more comments like that then I might have to get Bhavni to sort you out!!
Message for everyone but Marco: Thank you all for your clean messages; they're much appreciated. I'm off for some Glacier walking on the Franz Josef mountain in NZ so take care and keep the messages coming. xx
Message for the Portugeezer (Marco): I am having a great time however no need to judge me by your low standards not all of us have your prowess in such situations!! Remember your trip to Southern Italy - dirrrttty boy!!!!
Hey Bally!
New photos are fabulous, sick-makingly so.
We're having a hot spell in London - it was about 38 degrees yesterday..... fahrenheit of course.
Have a great time in NZ, thinking of you, Johnny xxx
Jassy R
Hello little sis
Your pictures look great, the views are breathtaking. It must be really hot there!, the temperature here is -3 at the moment it Brum, so just think about us!
Enjoy your white water rafting and be careful. I see you have caught the sun. teee hee
speak to you soon
Mystery Person
Bit worried about the last message, think about the diseases you could catch, Just remember you that you are a Good Little Punjabi Girl and you dont do that sort of thing,
But have you found a man, Plenty of men in the photos?
hey Bal, how you doing?? you look very happy in these pictures. a special sparkle in your eyes. hope you're having great fun. these messages below are as boring as hell. tell me have you found Mr. right? or at least have you had any sexual adventures. come on, this is the time, the moment... unless you're planning another trip around the world. enjoy it dear Bal.
hey bal its great to hear from you and to see that u are well and enjoying yourself. the places u have been look absolutley amazing wow!!!!!! where is the next place on ur trip ????????????
I'm SOOO jealous Bal to see you in all those sun-drenched beautiful places! Freddo freddo here in Rome. Baci, take care and carry on enjoying yourself!
Pete D
How's it going Princess ?
Looks like you are having a Ball !! Nothing changes here,so you are not missing anything !!
Be safe,
Pete x
Tom B
Hi aunty balj
Having a good time on your trip.
Hope it turns out realy good with exploring places and seeing new friends and people .
Dad says give me a prezzie when you get back home.
LOL just joking
Love from Tom xxx
Jassy R
Mum says have you phoned the Gas fitter!
Give her a ring when you get a moment. Think she's missing you.