HOT WATER BEACH - North Island, New Zealand.
What a beautiful place we had the privilege of seeing. The beaches were awesome, some of the best I've seen. We opted to do the kayaking to Cathedral Cove as it was such an amazing day and a fair few wanted to do it making it only $75 per person.
We hopped straight off the bus on to the beach and awaited the first group of kayakers to come back. With time to kill we went for a swim in the crystal clear sea to cool off and freshen up after the scenic bus journey with Kiwi Experience. Then watched the kayaks come in and on to the beach. (secretly giggling like school children at people falling over with the waves. Naughty puppies)
After a quick tutorial, general health and safety crap and putting on what can only be described as a squid costume.. we paired up and got our sea legs on, or in? The guides left with us and when out at sea got us all to come together and hold the persons kayak next to you. We would do this a few times while discussing Captain Cooks adventures, discoveries and history of the Islands around. Pretty interesting stuff.
We continued on to Cathedral Cove, beached up and the guides got out their equipment and made hot chocolates, lattes, coffees and teas (On the beach...crazy!!). After sipping our skinny lattes we headed back out hitting the waves head on which was pretty sweet.
As this was an evening trip we went a different route to normal and didn't head back the way we came. We got to go the much better way, not battling against the winds but cruising in to a different bay area while seeing the amazing sunset as we came into shore, and how very amazing it was.
As the sun was setting through a clear sky to the side of us we looked across a calm, still bay where we finally beached and got out our kayaks.
I was weary of this before as I had already kayaked and there are many other places to kayak around New Zealand , but I cannot recommend this enough. It worked out well how we got the sunset but it was just amazing. A perfect amount of kayak, beach, hot drinks, history and sunset making it one of my favourite things yet.
We stayed at TOP 10 Holiday Park which was pretty cool as well. Very cosy and offers spade rental (free rental if your on Kiwi Experience) because obviously the reason why people go to Hot Water dig you own little hot pool on the beach. If the tide is right I would recommend doing it at night time. We went at about 11pm as the tide was out and it was def a special moment. Laying, semi naked in a hot tub you have just dug yourself in the pitch black, with friends you have just met looking up at the millions of stars in the sky. We were lucky enough to see a shooting star as well :)
Happy Campers xxx
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