I'm loving your photo's and messages.. you're really selling travelling to me! Aysh you look so different, Jon your pics are very funny! Congrats on becoming an auntie, I will be a great auntie soon!
Take care, Peace & Love.xx
hey guys
that brazil post just transported me back and made me happy and depressed lol. cant believe i ve been home over a week (and been ill the whole time). I am plotting my escape to Rio!
Did you get your clothes back ok???
enjoy Australia!!! xxxx
Hi Huns
Sounds like yur having a brill time I wish I was out there soaking some of that brazillian culture., carnival must of been amazing.
Thaks for textingme the other day it was so good to hear from you sorry i aint been in touch as often as i w ould like to lots going on at the moment ive got a big surprise for you when you get back.
Im still thinking of coming out to thailand what do you think? I really could do with getting away and chilling with you guys for a couple of weeks is juist what the Dr ordered so if your still up for me coming out there I'll be onthat plane.
Have to go know say hello to John and look after each other lol Amanda x
hey u too crazy cats make sure u ave a good time and keep taking lots of pics and don't forget too put them on the blog because thats the only way that some people have of knowing whats going on with you too.ok enough of the rant,but you know me i do go on a bit ha ha! as i type this im sitting here with mum and i've asked her too sy something but all she can manage is" hello and have a good time".have a good time and be good love from mum and vince.
Glad you guys are having a great time. Be safe and take care. x
Davidoooo Aka #2
Finally found this damn blog lol
Starting from the beginning and working my way through the pic in the order you travelled. Looking good from what I've seen so far.
Dunno if you heard but we had nuff snow a week or so ago, pretty much brought London to a standstill. If you lot end up in some snow make sure you put your dry feet in some ski's and enjoy. For now, it looks like you two are seeing some nice weather. Anyway, um out for now!!
Hey both,
Sounds like you're having a great time! When's the inca trail? Hope the weather's nice for you - i had to do it in the rain after mudslides!!
Make sure you try the guinea pig - it's special! Take care...xx
Hey lovely Ayeesha, glad to hear things are going well - I LOVED sand surfing! it was probably one of my best days!
Make sure you rest up in Cusco, with a hot chocolate at Jacks - probably the best hot chocolate in the world..... I am sure after your inca trail hike, you will need it. x
Hey loves,
Wicked to have our quick chat on FB today. I can image you properly having a go at the old women as well and then realising the mistake! Sand boarding sounds ace. Keep up having the fun and look after each other.
Love you loads xxx
Hi Aysh and John
Glad you arrived safely sounds like you've had a great start to your trip. Not sure where you'll be right now what's your next destination? Look after each other and I can't wait to hear from you again keep blogging. Bye for now x
Hi Ayeesha
Hola, que tal? Feliz Viajes!!! Hope you are both getting into your stride with this travelling lark now and getting by with your spanish, I suppose you've already left Nazca by now and are working your way up to Cuzco, The only advice I can give you is to fly and not get the bus from Nasza all the way there, we caught the bus 34 hours in total and I sat on an upturned bucket for the first 8 hours! mind you the road may have improve by now! Enjoy Cusco it's a great place to relax in and some good resturrants to, enjoy the Inca Trail the view from the sun gate looking down to Machu Pichu is stunning, well must go, all the best
Hi Aysh & Jon, I'm so jealous of you both. Its cold here had to sleep in PJs dressing gown & additional blankets last night . Anyway glad you landed safe & well. Love your update!! xx