Bangkok to sydney
Hi all heres our last few days of thailand and our first few in australia sorry we're a little behind but i hope you keep enjoying the blogs and photos!
After arriving at Bangkok at about half two in the morning we walked to the hostel we had booked into, it only took a few minutes to get there as we had found it on our last time in Bangkok.We went to check in but they said we couldn't go to our room till after half eleven so we left our bags in the luggage room and decided to go for a drink at a 24 hour bar just up the road that was always busy when we walked past. After sitting there for a little while some South Africans that had just arrived in Bangkok came passed and wanted to know where to go to party, they hadn't managed to find kohsan road so we said we were heading there and they could come with us. So I lead the way and we ended up at a street party where we stayed till about 5 or 6 in the morning when it closed down by this time they were pretty tired and went back to their hostel. Adi and I on the other hand had nowhere to go so we walked to McDonalds and sat in there till about half 7 by this time we thought it would be a good idea to go to the big shopping centre called MBK so we left McDonalds and started to walk.It didn't look too far on the map and we had some time to kill. An hour and a half later and with very sore feet we arrived ten minutes before it opened. When it opened we started to head round. We couldn't believe how big it was 7 floors all selling different things there was expensive shops as well as market stalls we walked round the maze of shops and stalls for about 2 or 3 hours but my feet we're really sore as I had got some blisters and bites and we both wanted to get to bed as we had been up pretty much all night apart from a couple of hours sleep in the coach! So with our goodies we headed back to the hostel by taxi this time… A much better idea!
After a good rest we got up ready to go out for some dinner and head to one of the clubs as we hadn't been to any, we got back to our hostel at about 3 in the morning. We decided that we would go to the snake farm the next morning; we set out at about 12 an arrived for the afternoon show. They brought out cobras and vipers and talked about the snake farm which is the second largest in the world at the end of the show you could hold a giant python, I was the second person up but adi wasn't too keen on it, I managed to get him to have a photo with the two of us! Afterwards we walked to siam road which is another major road in Bangkok we we're on the hunt for pat pong road which is where lots of lady boy shows were and a night market. We found it and went to have some dinner, after dinner we had a look around the market, though it was hard as people we're constantly trying to get you to go into one of the shows.We decided we would go to see what one was like as everyone said there a good laugh. We chose one that looked nice from the outside but when we got upstairs you get forced to buy a drink as an entry fee and then it was just full of ladies/men that try to get money off you. And ladies queued up on the stage ready to do the tricks. There was only about 2 or 3 other people in there and as soon as we finished our drinks we briskly headed back out! The next day we spent haggling around the shops on kohsan road and enjoying our last day in Thailand my feet were pretty sore from blisters and mosquito bites and had swollen a little so we took it easy later that night we went for a fish spa which made my feet feel a lot better but was extremely ticklish and I spent the 15 minutes screaming which adi and the guy who ran it found hilarious, afterwards we headed to get some street food dinner I tried to get adi to eat the fried frogs, cockroaches and mealworms but he wouldn't and settled for a pad thai which we ate outside our hostel in the garden and then got an early night ready to go to Australia! The next morning we did a few last minute things such as going to the post office and then we had our last thai meal, adi was worried about having a dodgy tummy on the plane so he had an omlette and I enjoyed my last thai curry which was really nice!..untill on the plane the flight meal was massamancurry not nearly as nice as the one I had for lunch as you can imagine!
We arrived in Australia at about five in the morning after making the same mistake of staying up and watching films the whole flight instead trying to get some sleep. My feet were pretty sore and I was having trouble walking so we decided to get the train to near our hostel and walk the rest of the way, we arrived half hour before it opened so we sat in the park opposite till it did. This is when we noticed the temperature change! I had just got rid of my jeans about 2 days before thinking I'm not going to need these Australia is hot all the's not! When we checked in we headed straight to bed till the afternoon where we then went to the supermarket to get some food and also the shock of our lives at the prices! We walked back and we're chatting to our roommates who were a Scotsman called Kumal and an Australian called dash. Dash had been to Birmingham before and had seen groups of people walking around in matching tracksuits and asked what was with that. So I educated him that they we're what we call chavs!
The next day we got up to go exploring but not too far as my foot was a bit swollen still so we got the train to bondi junction and walked to bondi which we were told was a 15 minute walk but was actually a 40 minute walk so by then my feet hurt so we walked along the beach for a while and then sat and watched some surfers it's a really nice place and our first impressions of Australia we're that it is so clean everywhere. When the sun started to go we got the bus back to the hostel and tucked into our spicy thai noodles that were about 12 pence a pack!
The next day we decided to go and explore a bit of the city but again my foot was sore and swollen so we got the free bus and did the loop and then headed to Darlington harbor where there was a floating football match on we decided to have a look at some of the restaurant prices and some were around 180 dollars for a main which is around 130 pounds! We would have loved to try them out unfortunately we had to stick to 12 pence noodles! We unfortunately didn't realize what time the free bus finished so we had to walk to the opera house and the Sydney harbor bridge by this time it was dark but they had a light festival so there was all buildings lit up and there was patters projected onto the opera house and there we're lots of people around at about 7.30 I was finding it difficult to walk and it started to rain so we got the train back when we got back I wasin a lot of pain so we had dinner and then just watched TV in bed. The next day we were woken up at about 6 or 7 by a band practicing which sounded like it was in the very next room to us but was infact in the park across the road. I couldn't walk on my ankle as it was too sore and so I spent the day resting Adi however went to see what all the noise was about it was a demonstration about climate change our roommate Kumal was right at the front with a banner where the TV crews we're so we looked out for him on the news but couldn't see him. The next day we got to the airport in the morning ready for our flight to the hot weather in cairns which we couldn't wait for after being used to 35-40 degrees even at night and going to 10-15 degrees was a bit of a shock!
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