A worldtrip.. where to start. Which countries are worthwhile? What is a must see? How much money does it cost? For how long? Where do we sleep? Do we plan everything ahead? These and many more questions came to us when thinking of doing it.
Our main concern was the fact that we had no idea what kind of budget was needed. I've seen all the sites consulted travelagents and many alike. And of course there was no plain answer for that. We set a goal for € 6000 per person.
7 months of working in Ireland. We made new friends and greeted old ones. During a gloomy period of economic depression. But not for us. We made a home away from home. With a worldtrip in mind.
We have been selling pens in the north of Ireland and made more phonecalls to businesses we dare to admit. I never thought there was so much need for pens in Holland!
After that we went back to work for 3 months to the place were we first met. To pick up our job where it all began. Starwood. Again a lot of phonecalls. We made reservations for people all over the world.
And since today we are there. We reached our budget. We exceeded it by far and as a plus we have a lot of free nights in starwoodproperties. I have to say that I have no idea what to expect of the trip whatsoever. I just do it openminded and hope to come back to holland with at least a tan brown as a pepernoot :)
Thank you and I will keep you posted!
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