Still in Koh Samui I enjoyed another good lay in then went for breakfast and spent a few hours on the beach. The Beach was beautiful and not too busy. We were staying in Chaweng which is party central of the island. We swam in the sea and played American football. We had lunch at same place as the previous day and yet again I had noodle soup. I felt light headed after so went for a lay down. In the evening we went to a street resturant and then went out for a big night. We hit an aussie bar then headed to Arc bar where we bought our buckets beforehand and snuck them onto the beach. We met two girls, Alicia and Emily, who dissapeared half way through the night but just before it was there round! Me and Drew ended up in a club where Drew lost his phone. I ended up really liking Koh Samui even though people say its too commercial.
Both me and Drew felt rough so went for some rice soup and ice coffees before the ferry to Koh Phangan. It didnt take too long, about 2 hours, but we were so screwed up from the previous night that we decided to check into a nice hotel in the hills called Blue Hill Resort and was 400 Baht each. We had an incredible private beach view and a balcony. We decided to chill in the room all day and ordered room service, I had a cheeseburger which I believe was my first "western" meal. It was greasy but pretty good and definatly required! In the early evening there were several powercuts which lasted about 2 hours. We watched a film after and had an early night.
Drew left really early in the morning and we said our goodbyes. I decided to move further into Hadrin as it was more lively. I stayed at the Same Same guesthouse which was relatively cheap and fairly nice. It was ran by 2 Danish girls. I had a wonder round and watched the rugby. Titantic was on in Same Same so I gayed up and watched that. I met Matt, a good lad from Kent, within a few hours and went out for night with him. We headed to the beach where there was a fire show and games. Ofcourse I had to get involved and was surprising good at fire breathing and nearly lit the 10ft pole. Me and Matt also took part in the ballon game where I was top 5 and arm wrestling where I came 2nd. We met a load of people including a lot of Isrealies. All in all we had a top night.
I awoke fairly early and was really hungover! I had the taste of Kerosene in my mouth which took bloody ages to get rid off! initially I got up at 9:30 and after about 30 mins and some breakie I realised I needed to go back to bed. I ended up sleeping until 4pm. I headed to the beach where I found Matt, we chilled for a bit until started to rain so we headed back to Same Same to watch funny people then headed out again for another night on the beach. Again we had a great night and met some great people. i fell of the bench when I was partying but was ok - just the ego that was bruised! Met a bunch of German guys who looked lke d*** but even they were cool. I also met the English girls who were in the room next door to mine at Same Same.
I woke up early and felt surprisingly good! I had a beach day which was spent in anticipation of half moon party! Me and Matt went out for a good meal at Mamas chicken schitznel beforehand to prepare our selves and preceeded to pre drink in Same Same. We plastered ourselves with in fluorescent bodypaint and messed about with a few Indian guys we met a few days earlier. We met Tracy who had just arrived, she was a good las uta little crazy. The half moon party was mental and even though i didnt think the music would be my seen i really enjoyed it. I have know idea what time I got home but I know it was a great night.
Again I woke up early and felt surprisingly good! Me and Tracy went to beach but it was raining within the hour so we took shelter in the nearest bar. We met two crazy aussie guys, who were both called steve, who were about 35. They were the rudest, crudest people I had ever met but were good fun. They kept asking all the girls if they needed a "lay down". They ended up paying for our drinks all day! I rugby tackled one and hurt him - haha. We played volleyball at dusk but I was s*** as drunk. Eventually we decided to go back but Tracy convinced me to shower and go out again. I manned up and did it but didnt last long before I had to crash. The English girls next door ended up putting me to bed as I was trying to get in their room instead of mine! Standard behaviour!
I woke up at 7:30 and thought I was ok but was far from it. I was properly tripping! To much booze led to me having no idea what was going. I went to Mamas for a chicken burger. After countless coffees, cans of pop and a needed log onto facebook to see myself smile I decided i needed to leave Koh Phanghan. I awoke Matt and Tracy EARLY and said goodbye. They wernt impressed but were glad i made the effort. Tracy decided to come with me to Koh Toa. The boat ride was long and choppy. It was exceptionally hot so I got a good tan. We hired beach bungalows which were cheap and cheerful. After a quick explore and a few hours sulking me and tracy played poker and had a few drinks. I destroyed her! Matt emailed me and said he was coming to Koh Toa - perked me up big time!
I awoke feeling much better and did some good thinking as to what I wanted to do with my life. I had a clear picture and vision (but this changes day to day both in relation to your travels plans and life). I was considering flight changing and coming home slightly early to make sure I spend my oney well and make the most of each country. However now I think I will just take it as it comes. Me and Tracy headed out and started to play pool. We met a big group of aussies round the pool table who were on holiday for one of the lads 30th. They were mental and "Clarkey" was falling of the bar stall at 2pm. Two of their friends who had been travelling surprised them and bought t-shirts saying "Whos in ya mouth" and "Cartons aids tour". We spent day with them drinking, watching rugby (they didnt care as they were from Perth and Melbourne) and aussie rules. We whipped them at pool but Clarkey made an amazing recovery! Matt showed up and spirits were lifted more. Me and matt pre drunk till 1am, which was way too late, and went out for a bit. He went home early and I partied! We heard defining fireworks which had to be the Aussies as they had done the same the previous night and almost seriously injured themselves in doing so. At the end of the night my foot hurt but I put it down to too much dancing.
We chilled out during day and headed back to Choopers (The Aussie bar) for more pool. Met an interesting elder Aussie guy called Jack, nice guy but intelligent and loved to mess with everyones minds. Also met two Irish guys and their girlfriends, one was really nice and the other was a massive p****who just wanted to voice his opinion and neglect everyone elses. Had a good night out with Matt, Tracy and Jack but foot really hurt on dancefloor so decided to go bed after a cheeky 7/11 stop for a toastie. About an hour later my foot killed so I decided to go and get it checked out. I bumped into Tracy and a stranger who showed me where the medical centre was which was luckilly round the corner so I could hobble there. I found out I had an infection - cellulitous, great! I was issued with lots of different pills and antibiotics so couldnt drink for a week. Plus it cost me 2000 Baht for the pleasure of it! FANTASTIC!!!
I awoke in the morning and foot felt a lot better so the pills had worked their magic. I decided needed to take it easy for a few days to get better. The rain had been on and off for last few days so we went back to Choppers to watch the rugby and play pool. I finished superfreakanomics during the evening and had really enjoyed it! Matt met two scous girls and we had a drink (mine a straight tonic) outside his bungalow and went out for a bit. I lasted a while but got bored due to lack of fluids so went home.
I chilled in the morning and went for my scheduled foot check up - it was all gd! I went to internet cafe / travel agents to book ticket out of Koh Toa and met Ady. He was an English guy who had done a lot of travelling and now lived in Oz. I took him to choppers to meet the guys and we spent the afternoon as group. I decided to man up and have a couple of beers - felt ok but it wernt the best idea! We said goodbye to tracy and I went bed early as was leaving for Krabi the next day.
I awoke early and said goodbye to Matt again at silly o'clock and left for Krabi. It rained the whole way and took all day. This didnt put me in the best of moods and neither did the fact that only 2 other people where heading to Krabi. We had a huge bus to ourselves. When I got there I went to the hotel which the bus station advertised in ao-nang along with the other 2 travellers. The place was nice and I decided to get a room with aircon and a TV as I wasnt drinking. I went for dinner and spoke to the other 2 travellers, they were a lovely German couple - Bodo and Marie, who I would spend the next two days with. I had an early night and watched a few films.
I met the Germans at breakfast and as scooters were free to hire in our resort we decided to hop on them and exlore the city. I was nervous about riding abroard but Bodo convinced me I would be fine - he was right and we had a great day zooming arond the city. He was fined 400 baht for no helmet and licence on him but I was flukeily sticking to the law. We went for lunch, good old noodle soup, and headed down to the beach in Ao-nang. I ran out of petrol 500m from the beach and the Germans dissapeared into the distance. Luckilly they came back for me! After returning to the hotel we planned to visit the night market but it was too wet and we were too tired so we had dinner in and an early night. My back was really acheing, i think from the scooters, so I went to bed to watch films - Notting hill, soo soppy!
We took the scooters down to the beach and took a rocky boat to another beach, Railey Bay, which was only accessible by water. I got soaked but didnt care. The bay was stunning and we went for a swim in the sea until it rained then went for lunch. The view from the top of the hill where we ate was spectacular. We had some more sun and sea before heading back to Ao-nang. I got drenched on the way back and everyone on the boat was cracking up. For dinner we took the scooters towards the beach and found a great little resturant which served most dishes for 40 baht. I tried a fresh coconut which was rank and had a papyaya salad and chicken breast. Food was great! Had a top few days with the Germans but we were all knackered and my back was wrecked so we went to bed after a goodbye.
I had booked a tour to do the Phi Phi islands so had an early start. We went to beautiful beaches and went snorkeling twice. The first time i didnt stay in the water long. We went for a buffet lunch on Koh Phi Phi and I did some shopping. Phi Phi was stunning, I thought it was a shame I didnt stay longer but it was a party place and I couldnt drink. We went snorkelling again and I stayed in for the whole time this time and got some great pics with a underwater disposable. I need to buy a mask and flippers as I loved thousands of fish swimming round me. The boat was a speed boat and smashed my spine to bits at the front so I had to move to the back. I got a good tan and met some good people. I returned to the hotel and had the s***test chicken burger of my life as was fed up of thai food. It was clearly done in the microwave! I had another early night and watched films as I was leaving for KL the next day.
I had a massage in the morning to try and loosen off my back but it didnt work. I got on a minibus for Kuala Lumpur at 10am and changed to another one at about 2pm. The muppet played s*** asain pop through the sub the whole way past the border until my change onto a big bus for KL. I arrived in KL at midnight which was 6 hours ahead of schedule. I had to get a taxi to a hostel and paid over the odds but it didnt matter. The hostel I went to was full so I was sent to a partner hostel. They sent me in the wrong direction but I luckily ended up at a better one which cost 6 quid a night (30 Ringit). It was great and there was free tea, coffee and toast. I cant even remember if I went for food or just had toast! I just went bed as I was shagged!
I walked to the central market for a look around and then jumped on the hop on hop off bus for a tour of the city. Met an American guy called Chris and jumped off at Petronas for a gander. We couldnt go up but while taking photos we met an English guy, Neel, and went for a beer. Me and Chris hopped back on the bus and did the sights and went to chinatown for dinner. We walked around a bit and grabbed some 12% beers which had no name just pictures of animals on them. We walked around looking for an Indian for a while but settled for a chineasy dish as we got bored. We went to a reggae bar for a few beers / gins / red wines and met a malay guy. He paid for some Shisha, I was drunk and knackered so went bed. My back felt loads better after a few beers!
The back felt fixed! I was really liking KL as it was clean and had a homely western feeling. I met Chris and we jumped back on the bus as we had a 24 hr pass. We went the KL tower and saw the sculpture gardens and national monument. We dhd a walkabout in a heavy down poor, went for a few beers on the streets and tried to find a curry in chinatown but realised we needed to go to little India (this took us 36 hours to realise). We had a great curry, cost more than a normal meal but was worth it. We both walked quickly back to the hostel and then went to bed.
I had a wonder round central market and then headed to train station. I bought a watch for 3 quid (which is now broke) and went for a KFC which i semi enjoyed. This was my 2nd fast food binge in KL which was too much! The train was dirt cheap, about 7 quid, and was nice. I arrived into Singapore late and didnt know where I was going. I asked a stranger and he said little india was the place to head, luckilly he was right!. I waited for an hour for the bus and got dropped off in a random place. I saw lights and headed towards them to find an internet cafe and hostel. The hostel was ok but it was full of chinamen on laptops who said naff all. I went for food which was a below average curry and went bed so could wake up early and change hostel.
I got up early to move to a new hostel, Prince of wales, which was still in little india. There was a lot better vibe here and the accomodation was above the bar. A lot of ex pats went there for nights out so it was really easy to meet a lot of people. I had the best Dahl and Chipattis I have ever had for lunch for a quid and then headed out in search of a new cheap camera. I ended up buying an expensive one and also a new netbook! I headed back to the hostel to sort myself out and went for dinner in a Hawker centre where I had an awesome mutton briyani and naan. A hawker centre is a huge food court where there are a selection of dishes. I thought I didnt want anymore indian food but it was so good that I went back there many times. I went back to POW and met an English guy and two dutch girls. We stayed up for a beer or two and then went bed.
After the complimentary DIY breakfast I headed out with the people I met the previous night, Gareth, Inge and Jora, to see the sights of Singapore on the bus tour. We went to the top of the Swissotel for a view of the city and then saw the sights. I took them to the food court for some of that briyani in the evening and we had a few beers in the dorm. I went for a quick walk around the city and enjoyed a slurpee, which I now love and consume many of, before going to sleep.
I rose early again for my free DIY breakfast and then preceeded to have an argument with an old, overweight American tosser about some trivial bulls***. I would of left it but he was so rude that I just wanted to smash him in the face, luckilly I didnt! As the others had left me and Jora went to Sentosa Island, a manmade island housing various attractions and a beach. We had a swim and a sunbath before it started to rain so we were forced to go for a daquiri. Still raining we decided to head to Maxwell food centre in chinatown for some different food. We had a savoury black carrot cake dish which was ok but not too satisfying. We headed back to POW for a chill before meeting several other travellers and popping over the road for some more dahl and chipattis. We had a few beers and a chat with a few ex pats on a corporate night out, they were all financial advisors for ex pats, and then went to bed as I had to get up early for a flight.
I got up before 6 to get to the airport for my flight to Jakarta, I spent about two hours on the subway which is brilliant but was tiring. I had to mess about in the airport to get my duty back, for an advanced country the amount of loopholes to jump through was riduculous. I arrived in Jakarta late afternoon, after a bus to the train station and a taxi I got to my hostel. The hostel was okay but that part of Jakarta was a s***hole! It smelt of and looked like s*** and there was nothing to do. I couldnt watch the England V France game anywhere so had to wait for score updates on the web! I had a quick walk around and realised I didnt want to be here so booked a flight to Bali for the next day. I got talking to a few people and we had a takeaway dinner at the hostel. I would be coming back to Jakarta on the 29th so hopefully would find a better part of it by then!
I had a bit of a lay in before my flight to Bali, I retook the taxi / bus route and arrived at the airport. I had forgot my booking number so after 30 mins of pissing about with the airport wifi finally a nice Indonesian guy came and sorted it out for me. I arrived in bali early evening! The airport was rammed with taxi drivers trying to rip you off and sell blatent lies. In the end I only ended up paying about 25% too much for my taxi but it still pissed me off. The hotel was lovely and so was the owner. I dropped my stuff and headed out for some dinner. I met an elder Aussie chap with a swinsteiger on his chest but he actually turned out to be quite an intelectual insightful person. Maybe it was the reverse sweinstegier which meant peace!? After a wonder around by myself and a few beers I returned to the hotel to watch a film as I was fed up of being pestered every 10 seconds (no exaggeration) for transport / taxi / young ladies / weed / mushrooms / clothes / s*** / more s*** etc! Kuta is an odd place! It is full of Aussies on holiday and probably has the most hectic strip I have ever seen!
I had a lay in enjoyed free breakfast before heading to the beach to enjoy some sun and sea. I finished mr Nice, had a few slurpees and returned to the hotel. I was again hassled by hawkers trying to teach me to surf etc, they were starting to piss me off now! I went out again in the evening for some food and beer but got bored quickly and returned as I was pestered yet again.
Sorry for the delay in the blog update but I have been busy (or lazy). I will try to keep it more up to date. Anyways I am well and jope you all are too.
Speak soon,
Aaron X
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