Do you know what? Today is a day we should celebrate, because today Kajsa and I have been abroad for one month! It's crazy how time flies!
We have now left the little farm town of Mildura behind and headed west, to Adelaide. And guess what? On the bus ride to here we found two new local friends! Yesterday they brought us to their favourite dessert place called Spats. We ate the most delicious waffles there.
Today it's one of those check-out-and-changing-hostels-days, again, so we're trying to figure out where to stay next. I wish we could just settle down somewhere and stay at the same place for a while. But we haven't really felt like staying at any of the hostels for a longer period of time, yet. We're looking for a beach hostel, because that would be awesome, but chances are, that we won't find one, not here in the south at least.
But over the weekend we're planning a Kangaroo Island trip! That will be amazing! Finally we will see some Australian animals! Talking about animals, yesterday when we went to Port Adelaide to relax at the pier we came across a Dolphin Cruise for 8$, sadly there were no tours at the time we where there. So Kajsa just said: "It would be funny if we just saw some dolphins from the pier!" And then, as if someone heard her words, we turned to the water and saw four fins sticking up from the waves. Happy with our cheap animal sight-seeing we went back to town and crashed in our bunk-beds.
It's been a while since we wrote anything on here but that's mostly to blame Mildura, because we didn't have free internet there. And we never went in to town, but that's another story.
One Mildura highlight however would be Valentines Day; the most romantic day of the year I spent with my loyal travel buddy and best friend Kajsa. We had a pretty succesful Valentines Day actually. We got to sit on the back of a tractor driving through the vineyard in the early sunrise, taking us to our date where we had delicious cookies and homemade icecoffee.
Okay, it wasn't excactly like that but close enough. Add a little dirt to it. Sorta.
I guess that's all for today, and I'm starving so I gotta go and grab some Noodles!
P.S, Curious facts: Did you know that 90% of the people in this country are germans? honestly, those are the only people we meet nowadays!
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erika dahlkild Kul att få ett livstecken från er!! Trodde nästan att ni lagt ned bloggen! Puss till et båda<3!!