freut mich das Du mal in Deutschland bist, ich wünsche Dir auf jeden Fall alles Gute für Deine Reise. Und ich hoffe das wir uns bald mal treffen werden.
Wenn Dich das Bier aus dem Hofbräuhaus schon begeistert dann teste mal unser gutes Kölsch !!!
Alles Gute
I have a pub!!! The Pillars of Hercules in Soho London. Its right smack bang in the middle of it all and they are famous for their bottled beer. So maybe that might mean less warm brews! Also it has snowed in Passau. But I was only there for a day or so of it then left to go around Bavaria. I was in Regensberg with Kathi and today with Petra in Nürnburg then to München to check out the Hofbraühaus! In München steht ein Hofbraühaus eins zwar suffa.... Adheus, Emma.
We had lunch with Jo & Doug at Crafers pub yesterday and learnt of your site. Hope your longed for snow comes soon but I seen to remember that it was often January before it really came.
Pam brought back a fancy Xmas tree from the USA where she visited my sister in Alabama and our friends in Seattle. She had committed herself to dressing an American Xmas tree for our village tree exhibition. But, guess what? The blooming thing was MADE IN CHINA!!!
Hey everyone, just a quicky to say im back from Austria, it was cool. Rained heaps though. Still havent had any snow, aside from the Austrian Alps, but that was now a week or so ago. This week im going to Regensberg and Nürenberg to stay with some friends and maybe also München. They are all in Bavaria, Germany. xoxo Em PS please send some kind of telopathic message to the sky here and ask for snow!
Hello Emma,
I am really hot and stressed out because I have to go to work tommorow but apart from that Im good. I bought Dundavic a silver ring from Youth works for christmas (so he doesnt wear the one he stole from me all of the time) but it looks good on him, have a look when you both catch up in London - ask him all qs about me so that u can write and tell me. Mum and Dad are being same old - dont worry they still dont buy me anything I ask for so your not missing out on stax of clothes or anything like that, my christmas present from Mum is a pair of shoes for work - yeah!!
I miss u but I know you and this is your time to go wild and let that foxy hair down eh. I hope that you come across some really good people, I also hope that your feeling healthy and comftable. I got a $40 pedicure today, I dont know why I just wanted to buy one for my self. Any way this is getting kind dull, have a good time I will talk to you again soon - HAVE FUN.
Hi! We are here at your house to see Mun & Kate. Great to read your news, hope you have seen some snow by now? We are fine, didn't like the photo of me with you, but you look fine. Hope you are having lots of fun, with our love, Nan & Grandpa.
Dear Emma, This is just great. Mum has rung me and is taking me step by step through the things I have to do. We have seen your photos etc. I told her she is my favourite daughter in law! Hope I can remember it all though. Pa has been going to the test Australia have made 580 odd. Much love Nanny and Pa.xxoo
hi em i am teaching nanny how to us this page she has had a ball looking at photos pa is with her watching things come out of the other machine . love mum
hi em i am teaching nanny how to us this page she has had a ball looking at photos pa is with her watching things come out of the other machine . love mum
André Mackowiak
Hi Emma.
I hope you gonna read this ;). I wonder, when you come to NRW, for sightseeing and visiting Cologne and maybe Essen here! Dont forgert my offer to show you around.
Bis später und viel Spaß noch in Passau!!
Good morning from here and good evening to you. It is 37 Degrees today and storms, should be lovely. Every one is fine. The cricket was a draw yesterday as they lost 2.5 days with rain.
I see that you have just changed your site. I am sure that you have packed a lot of sightseeing in to the last few days and are having a great time,
love dad
haven't you christened my umbrella yet! I am thinking about going for a swim I have just got home from work. I need someone here to translate the german for me! I hope you all have some great photos Love Mum xxx