Alright, alright, Captain Goodtimes over there with the "working" comments. I gotta make this short, Yndo wants a forecast. Safe travels and keep 'em coming.
I think it would have been totally cool if you taught your guitar-plucking hosts the music and words to "Freebird". I think that gesture alone would have been a HUGE step towards bringing the people of the world together, uniting as one.
Well for Vietnam, the pigs are also on mo-peds, but instead of traveling on their backs, they travel on their sides. They are encased in what appears to be chicken wire that is formed to the body. The other downside is the fact that their feet are tied up so you don't get the joy of watching their feet wave frantically in the air.
Just a heads up, the Vientnam govt pretty well blocks Hotmail so if you want to reach me, use this website as opposed to my Hotmail account.
you are right. It was actually ten if you count the driver.
- 2+2 along each of the sideboards
- 3 people in the back seat
- 1 driver
- 1 poor girl in the front seat
- Me sitting with one ass cheek on the seat and the other outside with my feet and my head.
It was only a 1.5KM trip.
I call complete and utter BS on your "9 in the jeep" photo. Maybe 9 baby chicks or 9 cell phones but if you tell me they got 9 people in that jeep, I say stay off the moon shine.
It has been awesome touring in SE Asia with you (virtually) cause I know that the bus rides couldn't hold both of us and only you had to endure. The pictures are awesome, and I have a new favorite Pigs-on-Peds. What a great way to travel and see the countryside (albeit upside down), and you don't have to worry about seeing the same sights twice - cause you're only going one way with a big finish.
Mmmmm fried spiders! Tastes like chicken.
You've got to be kidding me.
I've been on vacation myself the past few days, so I'm a little behind here. Can anyone tell me (a) how they get the pigs to roll over onto their backs, because it doesn't seem at all comfortable for them and (b) which of the three pigs was driving? Safe travels, Jason!
Mr. Creath,
thank you for your concern, but you can be assured that my habits have not changed. The change lies in the size of the countries that I have been in recently. Smaller countries yields a smaller selection to choose from.
I have been in Cambodia for the past 4 days or so. New pics are pending once I get around to loading them onto the sight. It's been really hectic for me lately.
The beer pictures have drastically dwindled over the last two weeks. Are you already growing weary? Come on, prove us wrong!!
Mr. Holdaway has made his annual pop in acknowledgement to let everyone know that he is still alive!
To answer your question, I would not know as I am a milk and cookie kind of guy. Besides, this is a family site. Please see Yndo's one and only useful comment at the very beginning of this message board.