Hi Everyone,
So we are currently in Krabi Thailand now after getting the overnight sleeper train from Kuala Lumpur. It wasnt too bad a nights sleep but as we were in the top bunks getting into our beds was interesting! We are staying in Ao Nang in Krabi as it was the first stop on the bus and we just havent moved coz we're lazy! Plus i (hayley) am now on a severe budget as i spent 150 squiddlies in Kuala Lumpur in a week!!!! Bloody ringgits, we went from 18 thousand rupiah to the pound to 7 ringgit, so in my head everything was so cheap when it really wasnt! We stayed two nights ina ok priced hotel that had hot shower and tv and a fridge!!!! woo but then found a hotel up the road for half that so we moved and have been for ages. We wanted to move yesterday back to the first hotel to have some hot water again and a tv but the prices have gone up everywhere now as its coming into high season (even tho its still raining!) so we are trapped here! Think we might move in the next few days and try our luck somewhere else as we still have 2 weeks for Em and Sar get here. We may try Koh Phangan as it is meant to cater for backbackers a bit more.
Since we have been here we have really just been sleeping and relaxing on the beach. We have discovered everything here is much more expensive as its a place for 2 week holidayers with big budgets and the prices match it. A beer is double what it is in North Thailand (Em if you're reading this get very drunk in Chaing Mai!). I am going to resort to buying a big bottle of Sang Song (thai Rum) and just order coke for the mixer! most places dont have a corkage fee which is good (and if they do i'll just slip it in when no-ones looking!). We met a group of people the other night in an Irish pub as we watched the footie. They were from Norwich and it was so nice to speak to English people! They had managed to stay in a resort down here that they had prebooked which was something silly like 70 quid a night and they didnt even have hot water! we told them to leave immediately! what a rip off.
As you can see from the photos we went to a beach down the road that were covered with the crabs that we had just watched on Animal planet a few days before. They live under the sand in holes and come up at dawn and filter through the sand for minute bits of food, creating little balls. All day they methodically go around their burrow filtering as much sand as possible, and the whole beach becomes covered in these balls. its absolutley amazing especially when you watch it on film and they speed it up so you can see them work!
I (Hayley) am starting to miss home a lot now, especially my mummy, and am getting very travel weary. I think its time we moved on to somewhere else as i need hot water!!! its just too cold here to have cold water! I miss Indonesian food too as thai food is just too spicy!
Dan is going to get his hair cut tomorrow and i am just about over my third cold this trip, and then we shall move on and we will update you then. We may do a few day trips here first as you can canoe to the beach where monkeys live and they swim over to you so you can feed them. I wanna see them swim as it still blows my mind that they can and they will!
Love to all, god bless xxxxx
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