Despite saying that we would stay here two nights, after a little bike ride to the pool, an evening of chillaxing and a good sleep, we had a little chitty-chat and decided we didn't need to relax more than we had and Colin was equally happy to drive on, so we decided to have another morning swim and then hit the open road with its' crazy bendy roads to the centre, Corte.
As Colin was inside beautifying, I was alerted to a little French voice telling me that we "shouldn't leave any rubbish outside because of the animals" ...errr - we didn't have any rubbish outside - so that is now in my top ten conversation starters ;o)
...Turning around (yes, I had my back to the neighbours as a sign to discourage such unprovoked conversations from strangers), I saw a teeny tiny little boy, clad only in flip flops and jogger bottoms, carrying three empty water bottles.
He rattled on and on about the fact that we arrived yesterday (observant), we weren't in a tent like him and his family - all of whom he went on to describe in detail - even his grandparents who were not even with him. As he eventually left me in peace to finish my coffee, I wondered how on earth he was going to manage to carry the three water bottles back on his own when he could barely hold on to them when they were empty; my question was answered ten minutes later as he shuffled past, holding on so tightly to his water that his little trousers had slipped right down, revealing a super cute bottom!!
Having packed up Mabel and now had the obligatory conversation with strangers, Colin expertly backed Mabel out of our pitch where we gave her windscreen a little wash with the onsite hose and headed off to the hills.
The hills being the reason for the day's delay with Tuesday's blog...the roads were so windy that it was impossible to look anywhere but the road if we wanted to avoid an "emergency stop".
There's not a lot to report of the journey - we drove all afternoon, stopping to admire the amazing scenery en route. The huge windscreen - which was one of the criteria for the RV that we booked - really came in to its own. Bend after bend, corner after corner we were treated to amazing mountain views.
We settled in to quite a basic campsite in Corte for the night. It was great to hear groups of children playing traditional outdoor games, as we used to do when we were younger.
Tomorrow we will take the ferry at midday from Bastia to Livorno, pitching up close to the port for the night.
Although Pisa is so close and we have never been there, we have learned our limitations with Mabel and will stick to the big open roads, saving cities and other sights for another time.
We are glad to have heard some feedback from Mum / Maggie and Davo, so we will keep blogging until you get bored of reading ;o)
- comments
Mummy Sounds fab. Enjoy every minute. Thinking of you xxxx
Maggie Mum Phew...glad you've taken the reins back, Jules, grin...but I'm sure Col's doing a wonderful job of driving/parking. Can't be good at everything, bless. Little bit pervy in places, but always interesting.xx
Maggie/Mum Soz! Meant to give you another 5*, but my finger slipped!