Been on Ko Phangan for the last few days. Loving it so far. Had a few days out to work on our tans and are proud to say that there have been no major sun-burn issues. Only injuries (if you wanna call them that) are the misquito bites all over my legs. Mike did an inventory count the other night and founf 53 bites alone just on my legs and feet. BRUTAL i tell ya! This is even wearing DEET bug-spray too. Bah - they love me.
Our last night on Ko Tao was rained. for 5 minutes. hehe...sorry Vancouver! It was really refreshing...we were chillin on a deck overlooking the beach, havin a few drinks and din and it just downpoured for a few minutes and then stopped. gotta love that.
The ocean here is so nice to swim in. We usually spend a few hours at the beach lazin about and will swim at least every 20 minutes to cool off. Its so flippin refreshing.
The place we are staying at here is really sweet. We totally lucked out. Getting off the boat on our first day on Phangan, we were the only couple on our bus that didnt have a place booked to stay, so we were a bit worried. We made it to Haad Rin (the little beach town where the full moon party is) and then walked straight to Lighthouse Bungalows...a place we read about in Lonely Planet. It is about a 15 minute walk from HaadRin...just off our sun-bathing beach (Haad Leela)... The Lighthouse Bungalows are really secluded...u walk along a boardwalk bridge right along the rocks overloooking the ocean to get there. we were so lucky to have gotten a room here. we booked it so fast to beat these other two guys that were walking there too. So ya, it takes about 5 minutes from Haad Leela...and then its like you are in a whole other world over there. Kinda reminds me of an Ewok village from star wars...except its for people. hehe.
Our bungalow is pretty much amazing. Nothing infront of us except rocks, and straight-down ocean. We have a few creatures living with us. which is lovely. A few geckos (who make weird noises at night)...And happy that this place has a huge misquito netting thingy to keep me safe from more bug bites! wE have a huge deck with lounging chairs and a hammock. love it! The restaurant is really chill with super yummy food. best pancakes ever! at night its all lit up and falling asleep to the waves crashing is really nice.
Today we're gonna check out how much it costs to rent a jet ski and then just laze around and swim. hard life right? Tomorrow we have our first massage scheduled at a really sweet spa right on Leela Beach. Really looking forward to that.
Anyways - gonna go relax more now! (rub it in a bit more...sorry guys at home!)
Oh ya - (Dad: I had a dream that you won 2 million lastnight. hmmm... random. hehe)
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