Day 15: Miami
We decided to go into Miami today so we all drove to the nearest train station and left the RV along with Richard who was revising for an exam in the car park and got a train into the city. The journey was confusing from the start where we struggled to find a ticket vending machine and to work out what is the best ticket to buy. We eventually got on a crowded train where we later discovered it was full of Miami Heats basketball team fans who were celebrating their team winning the championship.
We got off at the wrong stop because Sara and I panicked and thought we missed our stop then hopped back on the train to the right stop. Our journey was still not over as we was in the city but to navigate through the city, we needed to use a monorail which is a train that loops through inner city. It was very futuristic as you could be walking anywhere and above your head would be a train looping through the city on a rail. There are three loops and you can change at where the loops intersect with each other. It was also bit of challenge to figure out which is the right train for the direction that we wanted to go as normally you could figure it out by checking the last stop of the train but with looping tracks, the first and last stops are the same stop!
Eventually, we arrived at our destination slightly bemused and the city was strewn with rubbish after the victory celebrations by the team and its fans. We had a pleasant walk to Hard Rock Café passing skyscrapers and palm trees which livened up the Miami stereotype we came to expected after watching CSI Miami. Just before arriving at the restaurant, we passed Bayside Pier where we enjoyed watching people hiring jetpacks and whizzing around!
We enjoyed our meal especially when I was filiming Stuart saying something and the waiter accidently dropped the stacks of glasses she was carrying behind Stuart. One for You have been framed TV show I suppose! We went souvenir shopping and returned back to the car park where we were impressed to see Richard had got TV aerial working and is watching TV with subtitles!
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