Day 7: Grand Canyon
The stop for today is Grand Canyon which was one of sights that I was looking forward to see the most. On the way to there, Stuart even allowed Julie to drive briefly and Julie did well. We stopped by a petrol station and I asked the clerk where to buy chemical tablets, luckily he was able to provide directions to the store.
We stopped by the store which was a souvenir shop so everyone enjoyed themselves browsing while I finally located pesky little tablets. I had never enjoyed throwing something in the toilet much as I did with these tablets. To be fair, I do not make a habit of throwing something into toilets.
We arrived at Grand Canyon which was easy to find unlike the Hollywood sign. We had a quick lunch before starting our hike. It was scorching hot which capture the Grand Canyon mythology that I have been brought up of it being a cavernous hot dry landscape. Eventually we arrived at a vantage point and it was beyond stunning. As Richard put it succulently, sometimes you see images of a iconic tourist hot-spot yet when you see it in flesh, it does not quite matched up to your imagination but with Grand Canyon, it blew away your expectations.
It was bigger, beautiful than what I expected. We all spent a while gazing at the visual treat that embraced our eyes. It was fun trying to spot any wildlife down countless creeks in Grand Canyon.
We all decided to walk to another vantage point but at halfway mark, we all concluded that the view will be the same and we might as well make a start on the evening drive. We stopped by the tourist shop for much needed water fountain before starting our drive to Albuquerque. A funny incident occurred when we stopped for the dinner, Stuart and I went for a brisk walk and saw a sign saying 'Pet Exercise Area' yet there are a sign near it saying 'Poisonous Snakes and Insects'!
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