hiya again everyone we have finally set off on our road trip up to cairns and we are at noosa at the moment. any way firs things first we set off from sydney on thursday the 18th all five of us in a medium sized toyota just mannaging to cram all the bags in never mind our boddies. our first stop was newcastle again just so rob and gemma could say hi to brenda and reg and dave could pick his bank card up from marks, long story. after we had been there a while we set back off. destination port mcquarry. we arrived quite late on after a sweaty three hour drive. we rolled into our room and camped for the nite we shared with one other person a girl dont know her name but she seemed nice, all our things were ther in the morning thats all that counts. the next morning was gemmas birthday so we woke up early to go and see the kolas beeing fed they didnt really do much but it was good to see a real live kola. after a short time with the little balls of fur we set off again this time headed for byron bay. we stopped off on the way to have a picnic and sing happy birthday to gemma while she blew out the candles on her muffin. lol after our five hour drive including stop we finall arrived in byron. we stayed at a hostel called the arts factory. it was a really nice hostel and a really nice place so we decided to stay there for three nites most of the time was spent in the pool or at the beach but on the last day we took a trip to nimbin a little town that is full of pot heads. it was an experience i will tell you that. the coach ride there was great my dad would have liked all the music they played. every time they told us a pice of information about the area they had a song that related to it so that made the journey fun. after arriving in nimbin we were allowed two hours to look around and explore trust me when i say that you dont need more than that. we got off the bus and was offerd drugs straight away. its not legal there but the police turn a blind eye to it. so us beeing us had to try some so we opted for a cookie its like a space cake but cookie form lol. it was rubbis didnt change me at all think they might have been dud. but i do seem to have an extra toe growing out of my foot. haha after we got back on the bus he took us to see crazy paul who had bought acres and acres of land ages ago with only one tree on it and had turned it into a massive forrest it was now classed as a nature reserve and has a 120m waterfall in it. its amazing. he walked around with bare feet and painted toe nails like a proper hippy he took us to this lake and we sat there for a while and ate fruit and nuts that grew in the forrest.we then got a guided tour of the area lots of trees and plant as you could immagine but really good. on our way home the driver took us to see the waterfall where we saw our first snake so we avoided it and moved swiftly on. and that was about it for our time an byron. next stop surfers paradise we were only there for one nyt so we just went on the beach and played a little one on one basketball. we left surfers and headed even further up coast and are now currently at noosa in a reall nice hostal cleverly called noosa backpackers. the are is really nice just lakes everywhere. when we got here gem and rob went to the beech and me dave and amy bought some line and shrimp and went fishing. we were there for quite a while and as per ended up with sod all. like father like son. and today we woke up had a phew games of ping pong then me dave and rob hired a boat, fishing rods and bait and had a day on the river. was reall good apart from the weather got really windy and we ended up not having as long as we should have had so we docked and asked if we could keep the rods for abit so we went on the near by bank and ended up catching one each so we were happy. we are headed for rainbow beach tomorrow for the nite then going to fraiser island on a trip cost an arm and a leg but this is why we came out here. pictures will be on shortly.
missing you all loads exspecially lauren who ash is missing. xxx
will keep you updated in a couple of weeks when we have done more. love hearing from you all so keep it up.
Good Nyt From Ash and Dave XXXXXXXX
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