Hey hey hey guyssss
Well I have just got back from Oktoberfest - yes OKTOBERFEST in Munchen, Germany. Where to start - it is the most amazing place I have EVER been to in my life. A simple look at my photo section where you can find photos of the beer tents and you can see the sheer size and amount of people that are there. Bear in mind thats the inside of one tent - there are more than 20 on site!
We (me and Robin) arrived in Munich on Saturday night at the airport at about 9pm and missioned our way to the city centre. We had no accommodation booked (like true aussie dickheads) so we decided to call the hostel we were booked into for the following night to see if they had a vacancy. They said come along and they will see what they can do. 20 mins later we get to the hostel, and, surprise surprise no vacancy. To cut a long story short, we woke up at about 6am the next morning at Munich train station. VERY classy.
Anyway the next morning we checked in to our hostel (called the tent, basically a giant tent with 100 bunk beds) and ventured in to the station again to meet steph and dan who were coming from innsbruck. wow, was it cool to see the girls again! Then the fun started, we went into the worlds biggest festival, oktoberfest :-D
5 steins later I was feeling quite smart so we all decided to go on the roller coaster. Probly not a good idea considering it did like 6 loops and span all over the place. Interesting to say the least! After that we headed back to the tent where some crazy guy was running around the fire with his dacks missing. An amusing night to say the least.
The next day was more of the same, started out with a nice brekky then again in to the festival to indulge in some Hofbrau. This time we hit up a few more rides, including the aptly named "Frisbee" which was fairly intense. Back at the tent, met a top guy from Brissy named Shane who we chilled with that night.
Tuesday came and Steph went back to London in the morning, to stay with Oli and Little. Change of theme today, we went to Dachau Concentration Camp, which was pretty full on. Scary sort of place really, I have some photos also which I will post soon for you guys. Then afterwards me and Shane decided we wanted Oktoberfest hats so we went back in to buy hats (see photos). That night, Dan was off to Budapest so we saw her off at the station then went back to the tent to find ourselves drinking with some random Irish guys. It was another good night, by this stage I was thinking could a 5 day holiday possibly get ANY better!
Our last day, and we woke up and due to a severe lack of funds found ourselves wandering the streets of Munich sightseeing. Wasn't too bad though, there is some really nice architecture in the city, the "Onion" towers are pretty impressive and we saw a really nice shopping strip etc which was cool! That avo we grabbed a few beers before heading back to the tent and then with our stuff back to the airport to return to London.
All in all, what a totally awesome week, couldn't have turned out better, and i literally can't remember the last time I had so much fun! The guys I went with (Robin, steph and dani) are three of the most awesome ppl ive eva met and im so lucky to have met thoseguys over here!! Anyway, in a few weeks we are off to Ireland again so I'm sure (again) there will be more pics and more stories to share :-D hope everyone at home is well - hit me back to let me know how things are down there!!!!!!!!!!
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