i did write this like 2 days ago but the wierless in here sucks and it wouldnt work so fingers crossed :).
Looks like your having an amzing time, and thankyoo for my bday card, my flat mates made me cake :D!!!
hope jonny is enjoyin it too, didnt wanna leave him out there lol xxx
hiiiiiiii ash, your hair is soo short on those pics?!, u pull off th unstraightened look though lol. bet your gettin a crackin tan.
all your homies are cushty! uni is just bloody brilliant, your missin out....... not!
well jealous of u bungee jumping!! looked amazing, well wanna do it. all your pics are class, looks well nice.
we're all missin ya, will have to organise a big night out for u when u come back.
enjoy it! xxxxxx
Mam And Dad
Hi Ash n Jonny
Just to say your photos look fab and pleased your ok and the money thing is sorted. yes i DID read about it. Sending this from Rhodes and using a lap top for the first time and not very good at it. We are having a great time and the weather is good. Pleased your well and wish I was there with you. Lots of love Mam and Dad
ps. Love you loads (ash that is) and Jonny we like you too!!
Nisha + Alex
hey ash+jonny
sounds like ur having a gurd time ...aprt from the money situtation thing!! so jealous of all your pics cant beileve its onli been a week.....n uv got 5 odd month s 2 go... lucky ppl. anywho enjoy the rest of your stay looking 4ward 2 seeing the rest of ur pics.
missing you loads sis :)
Hey you two,
You look like your having a great time!
I'm liking the hair Ashley, I noticed you opted out of a fringe you wont like for once lol =p
Keep enjoying yourself and feel free to pick up any Neighbours memrobilia on the way lol
Hi Ash & Jonny
Managed to suss out the blog thing at last. The Photos look like its a fab place. Hope the creatures don't get you- keep an eye on those crocs.
taking Gran out now in the rain- lucky you in the sunshine. Will keep it touch and checking photos. LOL xx