Great photo's of Fiji - the scenery looks lovely even if the food and accomodation were rubbish - Sure you will have a great time in New Zealand and hopefully you will get some chill time to recharge your batteries for the next stage of your journey - check your e mails - I have sent you a massive one
love you and miss you loads
Mam & Dad
Mam & Dad
Hi Ash & Jonny,
love your new photos everywhere you have been looks amazing. Dad and I wish we were there with you instead of being in the cold wet weather of England. Keep enjoying yourselves and have a fantastic time in Fiji and New Zealand. Love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi you two, been reading your blogs and looking at your photos,it looks like you are having sooooo much fun.Ash i am so proud of you not straightening your hair for a whole week and it looks lush! how blonde is it!! I love the koalas they are so dam cute! Miss you lots,cant wait to hear all about it when your home! Have fun! xxxxxxxxxxx
ha ur time in bowen or wherever it was sounds like a typical day in manchester... im jokin sounds like a nightmare glad u managed 2 get away and r back on track.... enjoy whatever else is to come n get lots of picccys up :) xxxxx
Hi Ash & Jonny
just seen the photos of the skydiving it looks amazing. Think your very brave or either mad, it looks so high. Rachel thinks Jonny looks hilarious in the photos, you as usual still manage to look cool. Missing you loads, take care of each other. xxx
hey, soooooooooooooo jelous. ur pics look amazing.hope ur remembering all the crack from cairns so u can tell us where to go! literally sitting here green with jelousy. keep safe you two! miss u xxx
Edric N Beryl
wow wow woooooowww
hello fr sunny italy
yr 1st messag fr th eternal city
we hav bungeed off dome ov st peters
and skydivd into midl ov colosseum
and beat russell crowe in a strate sord fite but dont tel the ozzys
otherwiz enjoying grandchildren
keep havin fun and take no cheek off jonny
remember ASH IS BOSS
wth luv fr berry a edric
hiya ash n jonny,
hope yas r havin a gurd time in oz, jus messagin to see if yas wer alrite jus facebook us r sumfin to let me n wot the craic is... xxx
WOW!!! it looks like your having an amazing time im soooo jealous!!!
Oh my god i cant believe you did a bungee jump - you nutters!!!
Glad your having a great time and take care....Also im with harry DO NOT GET EATEN!!!
Love love love
xxx xxx xxx
heyaaaaa :D
been reading on your blogs and looking through the pictures seems like you too are having an awesome time and newzeland too :D!! cant belive you guys did abunjee jump bet it was amazing im guna keep checking up on this and reading your little stories
take care, lotsa love , Harry xxxxxxxx
Mam N Dad
Hi ASh & Jonny
looks like your having a great time - unlike the singer in our hotel who is singing all by myself to nobody as they have all gone to bed ha ha. Dont know how you did the bungee jump i could never do that in a million years - dad probably could though. Jonny keep those legs bent if you do a sky dive ha ha. getting better with the lap top couldn't find the mouse last time
Take care and be careful (check you have a parchute if you jump out of a plane dad says) love you and miss you loads
mam & dad xxxxxx
Hi Ash, and that funny bloke that's with you,
Brilliant photos, looks like your having an amazing time. Bring me back a croc for the pond (when it's built). Jonny, bet the sun burn stings!, you must remember your factor 65 sun cream and knotted hanky for your head.