Alex, just to let you know we are planning an 80th birthday party for Grandma (Mcr) on your first weekend back (31August - 2 September). He have counted you in to travel with us and stay at an hotel in Shropshire (Why theere, I hear you ask - too complicated to explain here). Thought we'd let you know in case you are busy making plans for life back in the UK. Hope you can join us.
Happy travels and love to all xxx
Like the van, how does it fit all three of you though? Who sleeps outside or do you take turns. Does no one live in NZ? the scenery is gorgeous, the snow wonderful and not a human in sight! We have granny dryden with us and she sends you her love, she thinks you should do a gap year every year, especially if it means going to Delhi. Lots of love
Hi there Muskateers To-day's photo collection is stunning, some amazing landscapes enjoyed viewing them with a cup of post-school tea :) I wanna go travelling!
By the way where did you get those hats??
Keep safe, love and hugs xxx
Lovely photos, NZ looks very English and the snow is pretty. Back in the real England, Gordon Brown is now PM, floods and freak hail storms batter us and terrorists left car bombs in London (they did not explode, thank God). You are wise to be on the other side of the world!
Like your van, it looks like the one in Scooby Doo. Blog soon to put words to the pictures. Take care, love to all xxx
Snow snow beautiful snow - might be cold but much more enjoyable than rain :( Like the retro-hippy van:D how cool Peace man
Love and cyber hugs xxx
also just realised where you are! my mates are in exactly the same place as you right now! you should somehow find a way to get in contact with them cos theyre safe guys
Um. yeah sorry the bellow message doesn't make any kind of sense. lost the ability to spell and type since leaving school. hugs and kisses
Alright you crazy b******s?
i hear you saw some rugby? and live in a van? hmm. i always knew you guys would be good bums. i freiking you fellas.
btw sorry ive been AWOL for ages, wen ton hols, then went to derbyland. its wet here. i think england is actually drowning into the sea. glug. anywho, respec to you, talk to you soonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
Oh my god i just read about that boat trip i would have actually pissed myself im glad i didnt come purely for that reason. i get scared easily, oh my god
forgive my lack of communication iv been in a country called russia for a month. someone's on crutches?!?!?!
Very envious of all your fantastic adventures but glad i was not on your boat journey sounds scary! hope Daves injury is improving. cant wait for next installment from NZ lots of love x
Hi Alex
Please see the e-mail I've sent you via this site.