hey jiggaman azza, happy birthday... i'm guessin ur gonna have a quiet one in, typical arun! have a good day and represent
woops I made a mistake, desi and english...
my bad
Nisha, Pinky, Grandma
Grandma, Pinky And Nisha
heyy, we would all like to wish you a really happy desi birthday...have lots of fun and party hard
love from all of us,
Grandma, Pinky, Nisha
Happy Birthday Arun! 19 at last aw bless! hehe...hope u r having a wikid day! wish i was in Fiji with u boys rather than spending my whole weekend at Next braving the hell that is the summer sale! ill email u soon! lots of love from me x x x x x x x (mum says happy birthday too ha ha!) x x x x x x x x x x x
I sense it is your birthday Arun - many happy returns! Hope you have a lovely day and you all thaw out quickly in the Fijiian sun.
much love xxx
Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear boysis happy birthday to you! have a fantastic day and hope the sun is shining in fiji lots of love from all here x x especially Nikki who is home on tues and will blog then im sure
Kal + Jan
many Happy returns of the day Arun. Happy birthday and hoping tat you are having a great time in Fiji. lots of love
Snaunt +Snunk
happy birthday boysie so glad you are all having such a brilliant trip wonderful photos! enjoy your day lots and lots of love
Illen, if you check this i emailed you at your hotmail (one of them)
Afternoon Muskateers or should that be sardines >>>)))))*> thought you guys had disappeared into a geyser or something :( You've certainly had some smelly sounding adventures, looking forward to seeing the photgraphs (our 'puters not up to video) School finishes tomorrow and we had a staff rounders match to-day. School show earlier in the week was brill - off to visit G&G at the weekend.
hugs (from a distance)
The Boys!
Hiya everyone! sorry about the late/lack of blogging, we have updated now to where we are, and the photos will be coming shortly! some cool videos too, that hopefully we will be able to get uploaded! Only 5 more days now in NZ and its gone really quick, (but thankfully that means only 1 more night in the van before it has to be returned- and crushed on our request) Then onto Fiji and hopefully hot weather again! Keep up the messages!