Alreet everyone, its nath here finally doing one of these blog things, all very exciting....
Soooooooo, ash's last words were about a certain someone chundering over the it wasnt ash being sick on me, it was me being all hungover and sick in the enjoyed it though. lavely
Yeah, so we left that Penang island and headed inland and upland to the cameron highlands. Gem and i bagsied the front of the bus just incase of any emergencies, and it came in use! so after about an hour i started to feel a bit of pressure on the ol bladder, but ignored it. half an hour later i was desperate for the toilet and we wernt allowed off the bus becuase we were on the motorway. So i was jumping infront of the driver to say i need a wee, but he was having none of it. Plan B. asked gem what shall i do and she said wee in a bottle, having none of it of course. Then about 10 minutes later i felt movement, told gem to move move move to the next seat and not to look over, got a bottle in place, curtain around me and just enjoyed the moment really. Think ash may have been in sock as she was like 'what are you doing infront there'.....'uhhhh nothing' haha. A trip woulnt be a trip without a nath moment hey?!?!?
Then we followed the winding route up to the highlands, swear with the name Cameron Highlands we were going back to Scotland. The views were amazing by the time we got up there though. Never seen so much green in my life. There was strawberry plantations, flower, butterfly ones, all very picturesque. Got to the actual town/place in the mountains and guess where we had lunch???...their equivelent of a KFC. niceeeee. Got settled in our little hotel, but then gem rushed down the stairs all flustered and panicing. We didnt have a toilet in our room, and as she had toilet issues...we needed a toilet within 5 steps away before a disaster could happpen. All very hilarious. So we got moved and then had tea at a chinese restaurant - Tom, Ma'am, Ashley, and George decided to go for the beasty steamboat. This was a massive pot of boiling water where you basically cook your own food, and Tom was actually full after this meal. Must have been humungeous.
Got up early the next day and went to see some of the plantations around the highlands. Tea one first, stopped half way there for some tourist phots and then gem turned gray. Next thing we know she was being sick in all the beautiful tea bushes. So we made a quick get away by minivan to the tea factory. Saw how they do it etc etc etc and then purchased some ice tea. Soooo good. Even though i had to stop sipping half way through it as had visions of me needing wee wee on bus again ha. Damn granny bladder. Finished up there and quickly went to the strawberry one and the grapped yet another bus to the malay capital, Kuala Lumpur. Well this bus was something else....leg room r us. Got to our hotel and rushed out for something to eat, something oriental again....nandos! Then had a wonder round town and ate again at this massive food hall. All foods there; malay, inidan, thai, vietnamese, chinese etc. And so cheap. So some of us went into town for a bit and drunk the local jazz beer. NASTY.
Up early to queue for free tickets to the twin towers in KL centre. Got on the MRT (their form of the underground, but overground) and went up the huge lift to the 41st floor to see the views around the city. Didnt really like nothing being below me but took enough pictures to say ive been there. The got on the hop-on hop-off bus and went basically 360 around the city - national mosque, main shopping centre, national palace and a park filled with monkeys. Was boiling hot up to that point and then the rains came at 3pm as per usual and we abandoned our tour and ate with the group.
Left pretty early from KL to a place called Melaka. This time we stayed in a hostel, no hotel this time. Like a big house converted into loads of rooms for people to stay in. Well the malay 3pm rains came so we played cards for a couple of hours and then headeed on our sexy trishaws around the town. Very historic in Malaysia, colonised by portugese, dutch and english becuase of the spices found around the place. Then Ash and Toms trishaw man abandoned them so finished early for tea. Played poker - obviously the poker face was working for Thomas
Again a bus, to Singapore this time and checked into our hotel which we intially thought was amazing. Got to the rooms and thought windows. Had a browse around town and went to town for Gems birthday. Went to this really nice outside restaurant, more expensive than usual but the atmosphere was really good, live music and warm evening. Then off to Raffles for a Singapore Sling and threw monkey nuts, like the rest of the people, onto the floor.
Next we did a day of shopping after saying goodbye to the group. Checked into our little hostel place, with the strictest land lady every, and had a wonder and dinner in the new area. 17th = gems birthday day so went to the Zoo and night safari. Hottest day by far in singapore, sweated while walking aournd the hundreds of animals during the day and night. Saw the ocean splash show where gem was called up and had to throw a frisbee to the sealion, good throw as well and for a prize got a kiss from the sealion himself. fishy breath apparently.
Up at 5!!!!!!! so tired from all the walking yesterday. Got to singapore airport and left for the tanning country of Australia. Wahoo. Got there and felt the sun. And it was goooooood. Taxi to our really nice (thanks tom) appartment and went to woolworths (no, not that store, Aus version is a supermarket) and got food for the week. Really wierd, they stop shops at like 6. next day had a day at the beach which was so nice just to do nothing. Played around with a ball and of course dipped in the warm sea. Got the free bus into town and finally saw what i was longing for.....civilisation and shops.
So thats it so far, getting badgered by gem and ash to get off internet and we are off to do a few beach purchases.
Hope youve all enjoyed our journey in my words. Hopefully by the time we next write the tan will be in place properly.
Lots of love, nath xxx
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