Instead of taking the bus straight from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh as was our original plan, I managed to convince Q of the merits of taking a detour down the Mekong on account of it being such an impressive and important river for the region. We boarded the slim boat just before lunch (surprise, surprise... there was a slight delay) and after a 7 hour pleasure cruise during which we received two stamps we arrived in the small and uneventful 'border' town of Chau Doc.
Upon arrival we were shocked at what they were charging us for a short ride with the tuktuk. Being stubborn as we are we decided to take a stroll instead with our full packs. Having traversed roughly ten meters we realised all the local tuktuks were apparently bicycle powered and we gained at least a modicum of understanding for their inflated prices. Nonetheless having made our decision we were committed to finishing the walk. It wasn't even that bad. We got to see the ending of the market, the nightlife of the vietnamese and a bustling town on the waterfront. The tuktuk driver who we rejected was even kind enough to point us on our way... or rather comfort us in the fact that we'd been going in the right direction all along. Unfortunately, Chau Doc is apparently not known for its night life so once we'd checked in we had to hustle to find an ATM and dinner. We managed, though it definitely wasn't the highlight of our culinary journey.
The second leg of our Mekong delta tour was by bus towards the city of Vinh Long. We were somehow surprises by the appearance of a bus with bunk beds! Apparently quite normal in Vietnam when travelling long distances.
We'd booked a homestay in advance but still had to arrange transport to the ferry across to An Binh island from the bus drop off some 7km out of town. A hairy motorbike ride further and we on board the ferry and when we arrived at the other side. We were picked up and brought over to the homestay. Here, after dumping our stuff, we had a quick bite to eat. A local delicacy of fish wrapped in rice paper. Fortunately we still had plenty of daylight left and took up the suggestion of the homestay owner to take a bike ride through the surroundings on the island. The scenery was gorgeous and we managed to cover quite a bit before we rested at a local farmers for some water and waterlemon. All attempts at conversation struck out, however due to the language barrier. After getting back to our homestay we had some time to shower and cool off which was supposed to be followed by a pre-selected dinner. My body had other plans and I spent the night retching and feeling generally miserable in bed on account of not having not consumed enough water through the brutal heat of the day. Q was very tender in her care and helped me through the worst of it... by morning I was feeling much better already!
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