Arriving back on Namche is a real treat! Wonderful accommodation, hot shower and generally nice people, the latter not unusual at all for Nepal!!
I learnt to appreciate the seemingly insignificant things with much greater intensity than ever before! O have sanitation accessible and easily available, just to charge your phone is a mission here and cost a small fortune every time you need to do so... The morning cup of coffee, which is a given is not always possible here and sometimes just simply tastes crap! Switching on a light may seem a normal to me at home, here it is depending on charged batteries, especially above 5000m!
There are many little things I have grown accustomed to at home and I now have a completely different view point about....and appreciation!
People here are very nice and dependent on the money they get from tourism in general. It is this problem, where I really struggle with: extraordinary high prices for some things, like a coke, a Mars bar or a cup of coffee and what you really get for it i.e. the Coke is warm and the Choctaw bar past its expiry date.... Things ate different here and I guess this is one of the reasons why I do travel! Seeing new things and experiencing different people and their way of life. It taught me a lot during the time here.... For once, I am really grateful for what I have and at the same time that I was able to experience this! Being away from my home, my family and loved ones, my friends and my general routine (incl. work) was sometimes tough, but it allowed me to gain a different perspective around may things....very happy, very blessed and grateful!
Yes, we are on our way back now....happy about this too!
Missing my family back home! Love you guys! xxx
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