Hi everybody!
Greetings from Melbourne Australia!
This is my first blog-writing in english and by my self, so dont be too hard on me. I feal that its important for me to start writing this blog in englis, because my englis is so bad and I really want it to be better! So this is awesome chance for me to do so.
So where to start?! :D I'v been here now abouth 1,5 monht. First when I came here in Australia I went to Sidney. I was staying in Manly. It was beautiful! Long beach, lovely people and many many parties. I was able to learn surfing and meet so many lovely people that i miss so much! I really miss you guys, especially I miss you Malin! Hope to see you soon!
After Sydney I fly to Melbourne. I was suprised how easy it is to travel here by my self. Because I'm always lost :) But I did fund my hostel thanks to Tommi, who have been my lifesavior in here. He showed everything to me and fead me aswell :D So I got energy to go on :D
Yeah but Im still in here, in this same hostel...but Im trying to find my own place but I gues I have been a little lasy- yeah but however I have fund my self a job as a waitres so I can get a little bit maney to bye food and stuff.
I love this place. I love Melbourne. Time here has been maybe bacauce I was drinking a lot when I came here (all the time...), but hey I live in a hostel! Theres always something going on! We have toga, animal, pool, poker parties and etc... :D Yeah, but I got sick so I I was have to stop it :D So Iv been sober few days now...
I was talking whit my mom today. First time after I left from Finland :) It was nice. Lets speak more soon mom. Love you.
Yeah but the time is really much in here so I have to go sleep now :) It was nice to wrote here, so hope you guyes like it too.
By. Suvi
- comments
Harri Your english is fine at least better than mine. Hope i here more from you and your life soon :)