Well... Vegas hmmmm what can I say about Vegas...?
Well you all know what and where Vegas is... But there is seriously two sides to Vegas the Day and the night.
By day Vegas seems like just a very busy city with very odd and outlandish buildings... But by day the city has this almost family friendly atmosphere... I mean there is an amazingly huge video arcade or Kiddie casino as I have dubbed it!
I mean parents bring there kids to Vegas... it's not really the place I'd bring kids too... It's called Sin City for a reason!
So Vegas by night lives up to all the hype you'd expect... A few things to point out...
On The Strip you can drink Alchohol ANYWHERE that was a pretty interesting experience...
But almost every meter of the Strip you are confronted by these guys and girls flicking and clapping cards at you. See the reason is prostituion is illegal in Las Vegas, however having 5 sexy ladies come to your room within 20 mins guaranteed, to give you a massage is totally legal and the Police don't seem to mind!. That aside Vegas is a beautiful town, when you first walk out at night you realize everything you see during the day is nothing compared to the night. Huge billboards light the walls, as the the lights of Vegas blind you. See in Vegas it's the only place on the world you can where sunglasses at night and not be a douche!
Every casino has a different look or feel from Egyptian, Roman, Irish to the just lavish hotels!!
I really did enjoy my time in Vegas but really I needed more time I seriously wanted to ride the roller coaster at New York, New york, watch the water fountains at the Bellagio and the Sirens of TI show at Treaseure Island!
But maybe next time!
The next blog I'll tell you all about the things I did... And the people I met!
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