Anthony's Awesome American Adventure
Well we have arrived safe and sound... Thank god... Made it through customs No issues...
Caught a cab to our hotel OMG saw a silver camero bumblebee... New mission is to find and take a picture of a yellow one...
Currently at McDonalds it's very very seedy lol... However it's cheap!!! I've got a large coke... It's at least one and a half times the size of the Aussie one in fact the medium is the size of the Aussie one!
But must keep moving as your all asleep and I got stuff to do before I have a nap because very soon I'll have been going 24 hours with no sleep... Been 21 hours so far :-S
Ciao for now!
- comments
Kim Don't detonate a nuclear device within city limits or you'll cop a 500 dollar fine!